Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hmmmm Interesting...

SO...Lynn is outside now...and her DW is issues. I spazzed for all told me it would be fine, I should really listen more eh? (that's my attempt at a Minnesota accent!).

So were right :) Her first attempt was a bit high, but nothing bad, and after that she drove to the end all happy with herself. We had a party and I did not have a breakdown :) Yay me.

I have been toying with the idea of just using a stop for turns over a certain degree (not sure what that is yet...I am sure Lynn will get her protractor out to show me) and then a running for everything else. So if the course dictated a better stopped contact, I had it. Why not?

So separately, I have started working on that...gave Lynn something to do, and me something to help me not worry about the RDW. I think Miss Lynn likes it. She has a touch on the teeter, so it isn't anything NEW to I thought...why not? GO means run and Touch means 2 on 2 of off :)

Not sure if I will actually USE this seems like a viable thing to keep looking into :) And for Lynn, it seems more black and white...if Lynn is going to think, best to probably give her something CONCRETE to think we shall see!

Oh...and I am a moron...sick and SHOULD have been laying in bed, but instead ran DW' to bed now.


Laura and The Corgi, Toller, & Duck said...

Looks great, go Lynn!!! But seriously you have to stop tempting me with the stopped contacts option! I want to shoot myself on Vito's turn training. It seems like it goes great for a while and then is on the crapper. repeat.

Are you going to work on it being more of a 2o2o or keep the 4 on the floor thingy that Lynn was doing in the video? Do you think it will be an easy transition to a stopped or are you at all freaked out in will ruin your running? No, don't answer me. I am going to pretend this entry does not exist.

prudence rabbit said...

Oh so great! I'm tempted to try both, as well. I like the looks of yours. I've also seen one on youtube that is fab--switching between running and a very fast nose-pecking 2o2o.

Loretta Mueller said...

LOL Laura! Sorry! Just for my situation...I think it will be better for Lynn.

Lynn is doing the 4 on the floor thingie by herself..due to the speed she is coming down the DW. She LIKES to down...and I think I will just let her do it her way if she stays consistent.

For Lynn...she seems more confident now that I am doing either a stop or a run. There is no guessing, no adjusting striding, nothing "gray" for her to think about. Either she runs, or she far (only a few days into the stop actually BEING on the DW)...she is getting it. I am also helping her with body language, driving hard for the running and checking up for the stop...but I didn't type this, and you didn't read it ;)

Prudence---would love to see the youtube vid you are talking about! :)

Kathy said...

LOL Hate to tell you, but eh? is Canadian.

Now Minnesotan is Uff Da, and ya sure ya betcha. ;^)

Dancing shepherdess said...

Uff Da hails from Norway, and being that many Norwegians reside there, it's been sort of absconded with...