Sunday, March 27, 2011


Lambing isn't going to as smoothly this year as it has in the past :( We've had several weak lambs and one stillborn :(

One of the lambs is now a bottle lamb :(

I try not to intervene if I can possibly help it, but this little girl just wasn't eating...we tried to help her learn (worked with the other weak one we had thank goodness so we don't have TWO of them!)...but by last night, she was cold, weak and not looking good. So we decided to bring her into the house and see if she would be able to make it through the night. Zip immediately decided she needed to be looked after, and she helped the best she knew how, licking the lamb and laying with it to keep it warm. Good border collie :) It's really hard when you have a lamb that isn't doing so well...I was thinking she had a good chance of not making it through the night, but I'm stubborn and was willing to be up all night if needed.

So was Zip :) So...after using a syringe and feeding her over and over again since she had no sucking reflex at that point...and putting a heating pad in her little kennel...we just had to play the waiting game to see. And when I got up this morning for yet another feeding, this greeted me :) Happy Lambie! Zip wasn't nearly as concerned this morning either :)And she was one hungry little bugger! The first morning feeding she wasn't taking the bottle, but was nursing off the syringe :) This afternoon, she was taking the bottle with no issues :) And now she is talking up a storm and bouncing around in the crate :) We will be moving her out into the garage her own little area. Sheep don't belong in the house...for that long anyway :) Our last bottle lamb was Ernie...also a triplet and a boy :) So we thought we would name her Ernestine :)Lets hope there are no more bottle lambs though...she is loud enough as it is!


Dawn said...

Its so sweet that Zip is taking care of her. Good dog! And good job to you too

Kiyi Kiyi said...

Oh my goodness! That is so cute!
Yeah better not keep her in the house too long, she will start to think that she is a BC and start herding the other lambs :) Wouldn't that be cute?!? A herding sheep?

marlacorey said...

What a great turn out. So glad the little lamb is doing well and that Zip and you were great caregivers! Hope that the rest of your lambing goes well and that you have nothing but healthy lambs!

Diana said...

OMG, she looks like she is smiling!And Zip, that just makes your heart grow. How awesome!

Knotty Dogs said...

Oh that is way too cute! Good job! And what a good girl Zip is.

Kathy said...

Good to hear that you were able to save this one. It's a good feeling when you can save them and a bummer when you can't. Boy, this seems to be a rough spring lambing year for a lot of people.

And I just totally love the shot of Zip in the crate with the lamb!!

Chris and Ricky said...

That lamb is so darling- thank goodness she made it! Zip was so sweet to take care of her!

prudence rabbit said...

She is incredibly cute. Go, Ernestine, go!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, that's enough to make me want to sell everything and move to MN. I so would love to work sheep with my 3 year-old BC, but there isn't anyone who trains that where I live. It must give you such a wonderful feeling to see your dogs do what they were meant to do. Poor Emma -- she's never even seen a real sheep and has to be content with her little stuffed squeaky sheep.

Karissa said...

The picture of Zip in the crate with the little one made my heart melt into a puddle. It is so sweet how she cares for them. So glad that Ernestine is doing well!

Patty said...

great pictures! Glad to hear Ernestine is doing well

Loretta Mueller said...

Thanks everyone :) Catalina...I think the other sheep would question Ernestine's authority ;)