Bummed that it is a single ram lamb. I was hoping for twins. But I'll take him :) Very healthy and ready to go. She had an easy time having him...so all is well.
Day 82: Best lambing dog EVER.Zip is now in her element :) She had her work cut out for her with this ewe. The winds that were beating up against the barn were freaking the ewe out. She was not happy and it took some convincing to get her in the lambing jug. But we got her in and settled. Love having Zip for lambing...she is calm, knows how to deal with ewes with lambs, and makes my job so much easier.
I knew we would have a lamb during this blizzard, just how it goes :) But having the dogs makes this job go so smoothly...can't imagine not having a border collie around to deal with things!
She knew there was a lamb even before I got to the barn :) And at this point she knows the drill...so I don't have to hardly say much to her...she just does her job, I do mine and all is good. Navels dipped, checked the lamb over. And into the jug with mama. Some grain, good hay, water and the heat lamp on...all settled in :)
Makes the crappy weather much more enjoyable when you have baby lambs :)
And...some agility vids from this past weekend :)
I am really far behind on the picture thing...but I am sure as lambs come, you will get TONS of pictures :) So I'll catch up.
Could you please say what it is that Zip does during lambing? I don't know anything about this, and thought the dogs were for moving sheep through the fields. Thanks so much!
Renate--due to our setup, the ewes all lamb in a main pen. So Zip's job is to help me separate the ones that have not lambed from those that have lambed, push them out into another area so I can close that panel. Then, if the ewe needs to be moved with a dog (sometimes I can just take the baby lamb or lambs and walk backwards and the ewe will follow)it is Zip's job to help me get that done. She knows the routine, she doesn't have to be told, just does her job :) Working ewes with lambs can be tough for some dogs, she loves it :)
Lovely runs from everybody! But I have to say, Crackers is AMAZING. He is so fast it is incredible! Andy has to sprint as fast as he possibly can at times just to keep up.
I run a nice drivey Cardigan but he can't hold a candle to Crackers! Check out my recent runs: http://cardiganshirecorgis.blogspot.com/2011/03/weekend-report.html
Jimmy was well under time but he looks like he is walking in comparison to Cracker's speed! I have a feeling Cracker's times beat more than a few BC's!
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