about being off the sick...and I am approaching somewhat "normal"...
The 365 Day Project is way off due to this...will work on that...figure some stuff out and post more later.
During my week of influenza, I realized I am a slave to email and Facebook...people were emailing me, and as my normal behavior, I usually get back to them asap. Well...being in bed, drifting in and out of sleep and delirious from fever...that didn't happen. Several people thought I was dying, or went missing :) Emails, followed by voice mails, followed by text messages. Never realized how reliable I was in my responses!
Thanks to all who were concerned. It's all good. I feel very loved :)
But laying in bed, reading, watching shows I haven't in a long time...relaxing...just made me realize how important other things are to me besides the things I am currently doing...
So...I am really going to try to simplify my life...what did I do before I got a Blackberry? What did I do before Facebook? Lots...and I am going to be getting back to that. Sure...FB and all that stuff is fun...but being present in life is something that I want back.
There are so many things I enjoy doing that I don't anymore...going to the theatre, concerts, singing (believe it or not I am a good singer...crazy I know. And no, I won't be singing for you...unless I am drunk--then if there is a karaoke machine will want to hide it). Attempting to cook, movies, hiking, painting, drawing, etc etc...
So many other things besides just training dogs...don't get me wrong, I love my dogs, and I enjoy training them. But training is not my life.'s my job, but it has never has been the thing that defines me. BUT...a slave to technology has become my life...ewww...just typing those words makes me want to cringe. But it's so true.
So...I am going to be making some changes. To my blog? No...I enjoy my blog, I am not a slave to that, it helps me I think. But FB and the phone need to take a chill pill. Not posting much on FB has helped the emails greatly. I think that cut emails in half :) And...the phone goes off now at 8 pm. No more checking emails, texts etc. If there is an emergency...I have a home phone...those that know it can get ahold of me.
Bottom line, I need a break.
Things I realized while sick for a week:
I can't ever do this doesn't stop for a week.
Amazon is God...or close to it. Where else can you have millions of downloadable crap that you can INSTANTLY watch...immediate gratification. I think I spent 10 grand this week...but I watched a shitload of stuff.
The husband is going to kill me when he sees this.
My dogs, after 3 days in the house, have to get exercise...I thank the husband a million times over for putting turf in the garage...there have been more massacres and beheading's of toys this week than in the history of dog care. Zip ate something, barfed on ALL the dog beds in the house...I guess I should be glad she didn't hurl on the carpets...
I can play fetch while sick...though my throws suck big time.
Vampire Diaries is kind of like Twilight meets True Blood...not nearly as "I WILL DIE FOR HIM EVEN THOUGH WE ONLY MET 3 DAYS AGO...I WILL DIE FOR HIM!!!!" as Twilight...thank goodness. The husband read the books and his comment on the series was "if I read another Stephenie Meyer book...I think I will get my period"...yeah...I agree. The total amount of estrogen contained in that series is just flat out insane. True Blood is just it, but Vampire Diaries is just kind of somewhere in the middle. This is horribly embarrassing I watched all of the series that is currently out...I could blame it on being sick and completely out of it mentally...but I will watch it next week, and the next and the next. So very sad. I know.
I love Darren Criss, even though it really creeps me out that I am 32 and love a 24 year old...I feel like a pedophile or something. But I can't resist, so creepy, amazingly awesome. I now have all his songs he released, and his Glee songs...and a life size poster of him plastered to the ceiling of my bedroom (ok not's in the shower--ok...I don't have one...but secretly want one)...Very talented singer, actor and just adorable...
I am totally going to see Glee Live this summer...again...a little creepy...but I iz who I iz...(and I just used totally in a sentence...also very creepy).
Silence is a wonderful in, ringer on the phones all turned off...I wish I could live my entire life like that.
A Very Potter Musical on YouTube is F-ing hilarious...look it up, watch it, laugh...good stuff.
I actually missed working out...that probably makes me sick in the head...but I did.
A person can live off of Kix, chicken noodle soup, and candy corn...
I need to get sick more often :)
Day idea...just pick a number...Baby Steven!

How freakin' cute...about as adorable as Darren Criss...maybe... :)
I think C.falls was a bit cold my mom,me, and other people were sick too :(
Vampire Diaries ROCKS! just sayin... however don't try watching next week it won't be on.
I hope you're feeling better soon. It's funny that you said you have a home phone for emergencies and the people that know it can use it for that. Wasn't that the whole reason we started buying cell phones? We'll just use them for emergencies - no one knows the number??? That statement just struck me on how the value on cell/home phones has changed. Interesting.
BTW, if I ever lost my cell phone, I could never call anyone again, because I don't know anyone's number - just their 'quick dial' number. Oh well, maybe I should take time to memorize friends/families phone numbers. huh...yeah, right... someone eventually calls and then you get their number again... whew... saved a lot of memorizing...
Having recently just lost ALL phone numbers and everything else in my phone (techs couldn't even revive it), I'm starting over and realizing how much info is stored in that little bast**d. Quite a surprise.
Yes the trial was cold :( That sucked!
Thanks for the heads on Vampire Diaries :) Bummer though...
Shawn--very true how things have changed...I know many people who don't even have a land line anymore.
I would be in the same boat as you if I lost my cell for sure. I don't know anyone's number!
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