Monday, February 21, 2011

Vids and WOW :)

Here you promised....videos :) Complete with my "Klink moment" :) Ahh...having a dog nose shoved up your ass in front of many :)

And of course, Team Crackhead :)

Something very neat about this trial, well not the trial itself (but it is a very nicely ran trial)...several people told me that they read my blog :) And one person in particular said that my blog helped her through a really tough time...and another about helping with weight on both accounts and congrats!!
I guess I don't think about people actually reading the stuff I put on here. I am very happy it is helping people, it has always been more of just an outlet for me to look back on. But if it helps some of you along the way, that is great :) Thanks for reading the blog, thanks even more for's nice meeting new people and the blog had really given me that opportunity. I know so many more of you because of this silly little place on the Internet :)
It used to really bother me when people would know me by just the blog, and it's nice that it doesn't bother me one bit anymore. You all know my dogs names, my name, the husbands name etc...and I now take it in stride. I think it's funny when someone mentions something off the blog, where before I would have been like "WTF HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?"...sure, I realize it's on the world wide web...but to think people I actually will meet face to face read it? Well...I am over that and it's funny when someone mentions Crackers "eating expeditions" or that Gator is weird :) It's all good.
Being that I am honestly not the most social person on the planet, it's been nice to have people come up to me and introduce themselves :) Makes getting to know everyone a little less stressful :) For me anyway :)
One thing that did worry me this weekend however, is, during a run, I made a comment that a dog was going awol (and don't worry...the person I was talking about was a student, and she came out of the ring and said basically the same thing to me, which I agreed with)...and the person that I was saying this to made the comment, don't you mean "apeshit??"...and I realized I had chosen the "cleaner" word...
Yeah, I'm worried too, I don't have a fever, no sickness of any kind...but for my brain to choose a clean word...just seems completely unlikely, am I becoming a softy? I seriously hope not...Loretta with no cuss words is like...well, I don't even want to go there. The thought is too unsettling. Lets all think positive thoughts for now...please?
Remember last week when I was all spazzy like a high school cheerleader on meth? GRASS, my yard! LIFE AS WE KNOW IT IS BACK!!!
~~ ISN' has come to a screeching halt. We have like 20 inches of snow (ok not really...but if you ask my little Corolla, she would say 5 feet, so I sort of said a middle number. That is the size of the snow drift she was buried in this morning). The rest of my yard has just a little dusting...but fate is funny sometimes and likes playing tricks, like dumping the rest of the snow on top of my cars and in my driveway ONLY...thanks fate. F-you.
I tried using super ninja powers of the mind to move the snow, I needed a Lucky Charms fix like nobody's bizness and that involves damn milk. So, a shovel had to be employed to get milk. Stand between a fat girl and her food...DO IT, no sleet, or rain, or snow, or drifts, or small children or the elderly will stand between me and my cereal. Stupid snow...
So I would say it will be May before life happens again...just a guess based on no scientific data whatsoever. No wonder suicide and drinking rates go up the farther north you live. I bet murder rates increase as well. Ever been to a Walmart in Minnesota around Christmas? I am surprised I don't get cut by a grandma who has fashioned a shank out of a Santa Clause Pez Dispenser. Winter = CRANKY PEOPLE up north. In the south they are all just grateful they are not sweating.
Now...onto the picture, daily thingie...the hardest part about the 365 day project is remember what f_cking day you are on! ANNOYING!
Day 52: Ruined
Dogs on the bed is a very bad them a superiority complex, makes them bad pets. Yep, horrible pets. And bad working dogs, yes...very bad. Ruined...might as well just dump them off on the side of the road.
And another just because it's cute :) Zip and Lynn...even though the pups are 2, Zip still loves them :)

Or so I think...Lynn doesn't really LOOK loved in this photo...more like SMOTHERED.

That word always makes me think of Chicken Fried Steak...nom nom nom...


Anonymous said...

I love watching the videos of the husband with the Crackhead. So reminds of Zach with Cousin Nub the Jack and his Border/Jack Boss. Like the videos of your kids too:)

Loretta Mueller said...

Thanks :) They are a great team and I am so happy I no longer get so nervous for them! Nausea while watching the husband run is tough! LOL