Friday, January 28, 2011

I Am...Apparently Very...


My tendency is not to over analyze*t happens. Sometimes, your dogs do something really weird and OK...

Sometimes I decide, on a whim to drive 10 hours to Missouri to herd...or to fly out to Idaho for a vacation to work dogs (still working on that one)...for no real reason...

Seriously's cause you are f*cked up...but that trip to Missouri was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!! Can I go to Idaho with you?Or to enter Klink at The Bluegrass...which I just need to fill out the entry form...

What were we talking about? I was chewing on a deer antler...oh...The Bluegrass, can I come? Sure are the good spawn :)

I used to over analyze all the time...causes stress...I don't personally like stress. And I have found, at my ripe old age...doing that makes life so much less fun, for me anyway.

A lot of stuff takes care of does. Dogs ignore things that cause them stress. They just act like it doesn't exist and then doesn't! A miracle!!!! :)
Ooooooh! I hear you say POOF! MAGIC!!! I WANNA SEE MAGIC!!!!

Maybe I just want to be more like a dog...I don't analyze...neither do dogs. Now...sure...I don't want to be a dog...dogs roll in dead things...and poop outside (I am SOOO not into that...I don't even camp...shudder)...but in life, they acknowledge what they like, and then rest is not there. I like that. I think that would be a lovely way to live. Too bad I have no one to buy all my sh*t for me...and give me a house free of charge...and sheep...etc. I want to come back as one of my dogs...

I also like simple running DW's for simple in comes down to...

Two words...nothing fancy. Did the dog run or jump? That's really it. Look on Silvia's website...that is the key component. Simple...simple = Happy Loretta...happy, happy...

Day 28: Simple...
Life is hard for Gator...very hard.
No idea what the point of this blog post was...but I feel better about being simple now...I won't read too much into it anyway...


Unknown said...

My step dad used to have a cat named Simple. That was the best cat ever.

D said...

Poor, poor Gator. I totally as a dog.. well...some people's dogs, would be awesome!

Loretta Mueller said...

I think that is a GREAT name for a dog or cat...LOVE IT!

Gator has a hard life for sure!

An English Shepherd said...

Simple is good :-)