Monday, September 13, 2010

North Central Regional Report :)

We are back, whew! Andy, myself, Crackers, Klink, Gator and Even loaded up and headed off to Michigan for the Regional. Zip, Lynn and Ace stayed with my good friend Dianna...THANK YOU!!! Figured they would have more fun than at her place than just sitting in crates all day not doing anything...

This was our first Regional, and being it was the last one of the year there were LOTS of great dogs and handlers there :) It was a lot of fun seeing everyone and meeting some new faces :) Got to meet several people off Facebook and from the blog, that was so cool!

I didn't do some fancy music video of the dogs...just figured normal agility sounds are fine :) Easier and faster :)

The first day we ran Standard, Gamblers and Jumpers (just regular classes) and Steeplechase Round 1. I had great runs, but Klink knocked the last bar (ugh) and Gator for some reason fell off the dogwalk...thinking after the run that the dogwalk didn't have a lot of texture, so maybe he just slipped...oh well! Crackers needed one more Standard Q for his MAD, and he got that with a cautious but clean run :) And the little bugger almost came off the table but Andy got him before he did that :) Whew!

So we now have MAD Crackers! ;) I think he got first in that class, but really don't remember. I didn't run jumpers or gamblers.

Steeplechase Klink, Gator and Crackers all ran clean and got into Finals :)I had a bobble with Gator...but it was still fast enough to get in with no issues...good boy Tater! I was very surprised to see 20" weave poles in this ring though :( I was worried my dogs wouldn't get their entries. None of them have seen 20" weaves. NONE. 21 yes, but not for a long time :( But they all 3 seemed fine, although many dogs did miss their entries. I didn't take entries for granted like I normally do, just deceled a bit earlier than I normally would...

Saturday we ran Team events and Steeplechase Finals
Crackers did a great job with for his team, got 2nd in Gamblers, 3rd in Jumpers, 1st in Standard and 1st in Snooker :) He ended up High Overall 12" Team dog :) He really enjoyed running with Loretta Vojtech and Jen Pinder and her baby dog Guilty. They didn't end up Q'ing however :(
Gator also did a great job for his team,3rd in Gamblers (I think?), 1st in Jumpers, 2nd in Snooker, and only one bar in Standard. He ended up High Overall 22" Team dog :) GOOD boy Tater! Our team with Rhonda Carter and Diane Sanders, ended up 3rd place behind the 1st place team of Susan Garrett, Terry Smorch and Kim with Recess. And Linda M's team..can't remember who the other people on it were though :(
Klink did OK...not her greatest team showing, we have some jumping stuff to work on I think :) She did manage to get 4th in Standard however :) Knocked a bar in the opening of Snooker, and jumpers a bar...Gamblers she got first. So not perfect, but she didn't hurt the team too much :) Even with that we ended up in 4th place :)Thanks to Anne and Yaya and Sam and Panga for teaming with us :) I loved my teams, we all wanted to do well, but no one was crazy and it was nice and relaxing :)

Steeplechase Finals went well for all of the Full Tilt Gang :) Gator ended up 3rd overall behind Susan Garrett's Encore and MEB's dog E-Z I think. So I was very happy with that. Klink was 5th place and I was also happy with her :) Good kids!

Crackers went out there and smoked up that course as well, and won it! So he is now the North Central Regional Steeplechase 12" Champion :) I am so proud of he and Andy!

Since all 3 dogs had byes into the Finals of Grand Prix, we didn't run Round 1 of Grand Prix...just to keep our dogs fresh.
Klink was up first, and we had a tiny miscommunication :( So no Semi-Bye for her :(
Gator then ran, a LOVELY run with a very competitive time...but the last jump, he just totally misjudged or slipped or something, and ended up doing a hand stand into it :( no Semi-Bye for him in GP either :( Poor dude and he is still sore, jammed his shoulder and a couple of toes. I am so happy it wasn't the tire that he did this on!! YIKES!

Crackers and Andy had a LOVELY run! And that run won him the 12" Grand Prix Finals as well! Whatta great little dog and Andy is really doing a lovely job with him :) I couldn't be more proud of both of them!

A great Regional! So proud of the dogs and I have things to work on :) Countdown to Cynosport! I think I will be adding another Regional (thinking Perry) this next year :)

I really enjoyed this trial...I wish I could go to more like it, the edge there, the competitive spirit, EVERYONE clapped for everyone's runs, and although we were all competing against each other, there was a TON of support! I love that! I did more front crosses during this weekend that I probably have in a long time, pushing myself out of my comfort zone and I really enjoyed it! I was ahead of my dogs, getting their lines tight and it was a great feeling :) I handled without worrying about bars, about this and about what MIGHT happen. It was so much fun, so relaxing and just plain awesome :) Every turn needed to be tight, every line showed, and if you didn't you couldn't place or win. I LOVE that, the pressure to perform, really gets me ready to go :) I had butterflies in my stomach! I haven't had that in a long time. It was SOOOO FUN!!!!!

Now...starting sprint work on the treadmill, I am going to need it :)Oh..and putting deposits back into the 2 on 2 off bank :) The bank got depleted this weekend a bit :)

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