I have been gimping for awhile (read that as about 2 years)...and I knew I had Plantar Fasciitis...just didn't get an diagnosis.
So today I went to the Dr. to see what could be done. First off, I have a heel spur, that bites....but that isn't want is causing all the pain. SO..icing 3 times daily min...lots of stretching...LOTS of ibuprofen (like 800 mg 3 times a day! YOWZA!)...and no barefooting :-(
I told her I would try it for 2 weeks....see if things improve...I liked my Vibrams...but the Dr. recommended not wearing them for the majority of the time on my feet...SO...I am going to follow Dr.'s orders and wear the inserts etc etc.
If I can actually walk after a long weekend of agility it will be worth it...ugh...
Stupid feet...any thoughts on helping deal with this stupid PF would be great....yuck....
And on a somewhat odd tangent...how anyone could actually look at check out nasty feet all day is just disturbing...seriously...can you IMAGINE all the nasty things that Dr. has to see on a daily basis?? And the smelly feet, EWWW!!! I baby powered the heck out of my feet, I wanted them smelling like roses...OCD I guess.....icky icky, sweaty, smelly feet...grossssss
Seen in a chart
4 days ago
Feet are gross but aren't there even grosser body parts for a doctor to check? LOL!
My pf was solved miraculously with a cortisone shot!
I use to work in a endoscopy center, there are grosser things than feet. Hope they feel better. Diana
Hhhmmm, didn't someone mention about not going barefoot and wearing the inserts a little while ago.....
Hope the inserts help this time. I'll pm you with some other things that helped mine.
Hope they feel better soon.
eeewwww Diana.
I do know someone much older than me thank goodness who went to have a colonoscopy and sang "You Are My Sunshine" to the doctor....
:( Heal Loretta's feet, heal!!
On the front of podiatry, I actually don't think I'd mind it. I like feet! Even if they smell. hah :)
PF sucks so much. (And from what I understand heal spurs and PF are really closely related.) I had it last year, don't even know when it started but it was torture for awhile. I have really high arches, so if you don't you might not want to do the arch supports.
What worked for me was:
I got Inov-8s for agility and over the counter arch supports for all my shoes.
I stopped going barefoot and purchased the ugliest shoes possible---crocs (get the mammoth ones and put arch supports in them) and wore them ALL THE TIME. Even to go to the bathroom. At agility shows, I would change into them unless I was running or about to run.
I stretched some (I'll be honest with you, it wasn't everyday.)
I still ran agility, but if needed I took Motrin.
It's been gone for about a year now, and it's only been recently that I have been occasionally going barefoot, but worry if I get a tinge in my arch.
I was watching TV a few months ago and there was a story about running barefoot and how this guy used to have PF and he thinks that running barefoot is better for it, once it's healed. So, that's why I got the vibrams---I just ordered them and not the pink ones ;-)
Anyhoo----I am not a doctor (nor do I play one on TV ;-), but what I found what worked for me was to rest your arch, faciia and heal by not going barefoot and stretch and ice your foot. Once it heals, start wearing the vibrams gradually so that you can build up your feet muscles.
Hee hee, I could've gone with "Heel Loretta's feet, heel!" :P
Feet r gross...and now I can think about how many OTHER things are gross...thanks everyone :)
Barbara--thanks for the info, I will be doing all that stuff and praying the pain goes away..totally sucks right now!
Tori--you have skillz girl :) Mad SKILLZ...
I really do think the trick to beating PF, heal spurs, foot injury is to figure out how to rest the problem area and still walk ;-)
I also wanted to tell you that I think my PF was healed about 9 months ago, and I was very careful about wearing shoes (crocs, sandals, any shoe) with arch supports until about 3-4 months ago. I used to go barefoot all the time, and I am just starting to do this occasionally now.
I am looking forward to wearing the vibrams. I will start with short sessions and work my way up to more and more time in them.
The other thing that many people told me was that once you have PF,you need to be diligent about not having a recurrence. It can come back if you aren't careful.
My feet are already feeling better...thank god! I am taking all the advice everyone! Thank you!!!
Hi Loretta, I have had PF for more than a year but found two other things not yet mentioned:
TAPE your foot when you run. Ask Jacque Hoye to show you, or look at the dozens of techniques on youTube. I have half a case of tape if you want it....
Get one of the "boots" to wear at night and wear it. It keeps your foot at an angle that keeps it flexed. It will take some getting used to, but I found it most helpful. The foot doc can get one for you.
Stay off your feet as much as you can, change your shoes at a trial, ice it as much as you can stand it.
I found naproxen to be more helpful, but YMMV.
And be patient. Mine is nearly gone, but it's been a good 18 months.
Goodness Chris, 18 months? Yikes...thank you for all the advice, I will do that. I attempted to tape my feet and I ended up with HUGE blisters, so I didn't do it right I am guessing :) Will talk to Jacque about it! Thank you!!!!
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