Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday Stinky Pete!!

An amazing dog was born today :) My Klink :) I still remember going down to Missouri to pick her out. There were two puppies left, a boy who is now named Nik, and Klink :)

I instantly knew Klink was the puppy, she was evil, loud, and obnoxious :) And still is to this day!
She is named after a Scottish slang word, Klinker, which means "top of the line"...aka a BMW would be a Klinker...thought it fit:) So....a few pics of the Stink growing up :)

Here's to a million more Happy Birthday's!!!!


D said...

AWW. Klinky was the cutest puppy!

Taryn said...

She's a very pretty girl! I love the puppy picture crashed out on the boots.

Loretta Mueller said...

Thank goodness she was Dianna! LOL It is sad knowing she is 5 now though :(

Taryn--thanks :) She is such a hoot!