Me Wuv Bunny...THAT IS *MY* BUNNY...damnit...
No toys are safe here...I still can't figure out how Bunny hasn't lost his ears?? How IS that possible?
Gator: Can I have JUST a little piece of bunny? PLEASE?
I never get Bunny...I hate them...hate them all...
Another very coveted thing that the dogs love are Bully Sticks...which I always find funny as people figure out exactly WHAT they are :) Yes folks, it is a certain portion of a bull (or steer's) "dangly parts"...dogs love them, they keep them quiet...so WOO HOO!
I love the look on a dogs face when they are chewing :)
Crackers would like to share...I am guessing Zip is not interested in that proposition...
Also tried some new stuff with Photoshop...worked with Sharpening photos...adding contrast etc...came up with some neat things :)

Lynn is ALWAYS biting her lip...so cute :)And my favorite one...
I will have to continue to play around with photoshop. I can't wait until spring and summer so I can take more photos! With the cold I am worried about ruining the camera...so tick tock, tick tock...counting down the days until spring!
On a completely different note---Crackers is LAZY...seriously...L-A-Z-Y...see below Yep...this is what he does...ALL DAY...EVERYDAY...
Sigh...so ready for spring...
We don't have anything that has lasted as long as bunny-that's amazing!
LOL I hope the cold won't ruin the camera or mine is in trouble. I can't wait for spring either.
Where can I get a bunny? I've never been able to find a stuffed toy that can stand up to jaws.
I think we got bunny at a trial in Missouri one time...I should have gotten 50 of them!! Alas--bunny is one of a kind :(
I was told that my lense could get damaged due to the extreme temperature changes :(
My guys love Bully Sticks too, but alas Wilson is such a strong chewer, he broke one of his molars and had to have it pulled. That was the last $700 Bully Stick for him! A friend's lab did the same thing on one, so I am definitely sworn off.
I am another who is anxiously awaiting spring! We don't have your extreme cold, but I am just so ready to be able to train outdoors again! My guys are truly showing their lack of regular practice..
OH that bunny must be a very determined and strong soul. I can see why the dogs like Bunny, he/she? is very cute. You really got some very beautiful pictures of your dogs. I have a black/white border collie puppy, my first black and white and I have a heck of a time getting pictures where you can see her eyes, it is so much easier with the blue merle or the red/white, LOL. Your dogs are gorgeous!
Taryn--thank you for the heads up on bully sticks! I had NO idea!! Yikes!
Kathy--yes the dark faced dogs are hard to photograph (or so I am seeing anyway!)...luckily for my dogs most of them have lighter colored eyes, which helps a lot. And all the money I spent on my camera--it BETTER help me get good photos of them! :)
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