We took the dogs for a little photo shoot, well the dogs that enjoy pictures anyway :) Even, Zip, Klink, Lynn & Crackers (and the humans--Andy and Loretta) headed to the cities for some photos of the kids :) These were auditioning shots to just show off the dogs--why you will see some of them laying on a bed :) It was a great day and the pictures were very nice!
We were not planning on Crackers getting photos, since he was LITERALLY orange from working in my friend Bonnie's barn...but Barbara said to take him into the bathroom and give him a bath and he would be just fine :) SO...the magic of a little dog, soaping him up, wash him in the bathroom sink..TA-DA!!! Clean JRT :) So happy we did :)
I LOVE Barbara's work...simple, yet captures so much...I thought I would share :)
All Photos by Barbara O'Brien, Barbara O'Brien Photography

those are great! love the white background with crackers...
Great photos. I agree photos are priceless. Can't tell which is Zip and which is Even though. I thought I knew, but nope, can't tell. Little help please?
Crackers, Even, Lynn, Klink & Zip is the order :) Barbara got Zip and Even confused too :) It is OK! LOL
The HUGE pictures are even better! But I had to downsize them and lost some details :( Especially with Crackers....oh well.
great pics!!!!!!
They turned out very nice. Diana
Very Nice! But I gotta ask...How long did it take to get all those out to Blogger? That must have been one long upload session!
Oh wow-Crackers held his own with the BC's beauty!
Fabulous photos!! I love Crackers on the white background too and of course the BC's look awesome too!
Taryn---if you make the pictures small, it doesn't take a lot of time, just a few minutes :)
Thanks everyone!!!
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