Saturday, January 2, 2010

Lynn...again :-)))))

Yes I am insane...we all know this...

It is cold here -25...I am NOT doing agility in that crap. Sorry. NO FREAKIN' WAY.

So I decided...lets move it inside!! Like IN MY HALLWAY of my house, kind of inside :) Husband shakes his head...but went along with the plan (his dog needs dogwalk work too!).

So here you go...the table is about 12 feet from the end of the hallway....with the dogwalk plank attached---and about 25 feet of runout room :-)))

You are SOOOO jealous aren't you? Ha.... :)

Lynn did great today :) So here is some video :)


Debra Kay said...

My hallway is now an indoor flyball lane/agility center/obedience training area and will be for the next week or so.

D said...

That is dedication! Actually it fits quite nicely. I love it! Hoping to get some of those matts so my weave poles won't have to be in the living room again this year.

Taryn said...

You are definitely a dedicated trainer! I wish I had half as much dedication. My guys are about to come off a 3 week total training break, but even so, you won't ever see a dogwalk in my house!

Knotty Dogs said...

You're insane. I have a kitchen that needs painting if you're not busy.

Sare said...

She is looking super good. She is really hitting it hard too, as you can see it moving, but yet she keeps hitting the zone. Great work. Looks like you will have room for the full dogwalk in there too when she is ready for it!!!

Loretta Mueller said...

I know I am is OK..having the dw in the house is MUCH nicer for training :) LOL