I always had to laugh when I lived in Missouri...and I heard that a person had cabin fever. For me, now that I live in Minnesota (also known as Canada as far as I am concerned)--it means DON'T LEAVE THE HOUSE EVER OR YOUR WILL DIE OF FROSTBITE...or something to that extent...with the "cold snap" which in some sick way I believe is the "nice term" they use for "will freeze fingers solid in about 1.7 seconds"...it is getting at times -30...yes folks, THIRTY BELOW ZERO. I am sure one could pee outside and it would instantly freeze--no I haven't tried, and I haven't gotten Andy suckered into it yet...
I believe Even can help ALL of you understand what cabin fever is from this photo:
My life sucks...
With many high drive dogs in my house...and with the temperatures limiting the amount of time they can be out (no not due to me being a wuss (though I am--thanks for pointing that out--but due to the fact that it could freeze their ears, eyeballs, feet etc)...the dogs are well...getting cabin fever...B-A-D...
See the blank stare--the Border Collie that is just laying there...no life left...just emptiness (cue melodramatic music)...
What do Border Collies do when they are bored??
A LOT (and HOLY SH*T look at the ears on that one!)
And stare some more...
Oh! And stare again...
And again...
OK...now this is crap...you are a terrier...you are not supposed to stare...you are supposed to be hunting mice or whatever you do...stop FOR ONCE acting like Border Collie!
I am starting to get the eebie jeebies...
That isn't really staring is it?? He looks just sorta miserable...right?
OK...total aside...is this NOT the cutest and most totally not true shirt EVER to put on Crackers!??!!
Yeah...I thought so...
WTF Even??? Now we have a naked white boy running around...
Damnit Even!

Even has the blank stare down PERFECT...light is on and

Even showing is her mad pirate
Isn' t this what we are supposed to do? We stare, you get
creeped out and then we go for a walk right?----Shut up Lynn...

How about if I stare WITH a TOY in my mouth!??!!?! Huh??? Maybe??

Ace just tries to make it all go away..."going to my happy place! going to my happy place!!"

Yes IT IS STILL HERE--TAKE IT....NOW!!!! SHE is very busy tearing up my garage--sneaking into the house to molest the Christmas tree (which YES is still up and will be until like February---K?) and in general make my life a living hell...but WHAT A GREAT CAT! Free shipping has been extended until January...no February...for the ENTIRE YEAR OF 2010!! Take advantage NOW NOW NOW!!!

So cabin fever is here---we are all restless and waiting for spring to arrive....in like three more months....or 4, who
freakin' knows at this point...

So we take naps...LOTS of naps...

But **I** love winter!! (of course you do...you are a
wooly mammoth

I LOVE having my picture taken in the snow!!! I am always SO WARM!
Awww Klink! You are SUPER
PERTY!!!! (By the way...she is getting spayed on Monday---but don't tell her...she thinks she is going to
DOGGIE DAYCARE or some fake thing like that--who needs a uterus?? really??)
So after getting THAT picture, I thought WOW! I need to get the little girls out here and take some of them (since they ARE turning a year old in the 13th!!! sniff sniff....)
Yeah...smoothies in the %*$@#!*& cold take these kinds of pictures...
WTF is this mom...you are not right in the head...

Ya know...I am here and I am staying 'cause you said so...I however will NOT be acting like I like it...
We will try for a warmer day :) So we get HAPPY PUPPIES...puppies were not happy and stared (again!) daggers through me...

Hey...I have a book for you....email me (email on my blog site) your physical address and I will get it to you....your dogs might still be bored but it will make your head spin!
Lora from Rocking Dog Ranch Blog
haha....border collies are so polite. corgis just bark....or bite you when they want something...
You've given me a bit more perspective on the whole cabin fever thing! Here in Northern Virginia we are having a cold snap as well, but our temps are maybe 25 with a brisk wind making it feel much colder. Everyone (dogs and people alike) is whining! But you are having a true cold snap! I don't think I could live there, truly. That's just too cold and too much indoor time!
Corgi's DO bark and bite! LOL My friend has 2 of them! :)
Yes Taryn...it sucks...I am from Missouri...so I would rather not have to deal with it either!
"Doooo something... make something haaaaappen.."
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