It is always crazy taking all the dogs home for Christmas...Andy's mother and father are BEYOND gracious, letting us stay in their basement so we kind of have our own little place...makes things much simpler :) Thanks Ma and Pa!
Saw all the families...and now I have a southern twang I need to get rid of before tomorrow so my students don't make fun of me for talkin' somethin' funny...sigh.
Because the dogs are used to working and running a good amount...they were bouncing off the walls by Tuesday evening...we were prepared....
Andy and I thought it would be fun to run by my old stomping ground in Columbia Missouri to run the dogs at Columbia Canine Sports Center ;) Where my love for agility started. I was a little bummed we were so pressed for time, but I did get to see a few people and that was so much fun! I need to make a trip down there more often!
The dogs had a great time, Klink missed one A-frame, I marked it and she was fine after I am thinking gamblers will be our friend if it is the first class of the weekend! HA! Crackers ran all his contacts and NAILED them! Gator ran great too! However Klink ended up with a burnt pad...Miss "I no feel ANY PAIN" was laying on the ground with her tuggie, bleeding...damn :(
So we wrapped her up...and it is healing well :) As you can see below...

Klink however used this to try to milk everyone for as much affection as possible...
She tried to kill me...she tried to cut off my foot...I almost didn't make it...HOLD ME...
And Miss Lynn...well...I was thinking as I was staring at a low dogwalk at the training center...Hmmmm what if? So I wanted to see how her plank work is going....I ran her on the full dogwalk (the height was about 2 feet off the ground) and SHE RAN IT...PERFECT!!! Hit the contact and I was SOOO very happy! She was fast and just looked lovely! So things are coming along ;) Whatta kid! That running dogwalk just might happen :)
Then my, I mean Crackberry decided she had the flu and a SEVERE case of binge eating...that ho (her new name--I hate her now) was draining batteries left and right, AND was hot to the touch...maybe she was going through "the change"? Maybe she had some kind of disease she picked up during shipment...who knows really. All I know is she was NOT going to eat 17 batteries and start my van on fire. So sad to say, I had to take her back. I think that is the biggest thing about bringing a new thing in your house, if it doesn't work have to find it a home where it will be loved. So Verizon (the cell phone rescue) took her and said they would find her a good home. And now I have Ho far she is earning her keep...WE WILL SEE...(If I offend any "women of the night" with this sorry!)
The dogs got lots of new toys for Christmas...Even is showing you all her penguin...which apparently she is trying to put in a trance...
She also tries it with me...
I am cute...I want will bring me hotdogs...

The dogs got lots of new toys for Christmas...Even is showing you all her penguin...which apparently she is trying to put in a trance...

She also tries it with me...

Vittles was VERY happy to see us...she I think believed she was abandoned and would never see her peoples or her doggies again...and not only DID she, but she also got toys!!! Merry Christmas you little skanky stray kittie THAT NEEDS A HOME. Maybe I can do a kitten raffle??

Please come get Vittles, she really needs a nice home with puppies and a warm house and all the lovely things that cat people want to give her :-P
And the biggest surprise ever?? We came home after a LONG trip, and we expected to have to dig ourselves out of a HUGE snow that came while we were gone...and we drove up and our neighbor had plowed out our driveway...and we had THIS waiting in our house for us...
Awww...Thank you Carol, I have already eaten all of them :) Just kidding...I left one for Andy :) OK, one with a bite out of it.

Now is the time to reflect on the holidays and time with family and friends...time to realize what amazing people we have in our lives and how great it is to have loved ones that care about us :) Both furry and human :)
Here's to a GREAT 2010!!!!!!!!!!
Glad you had a fun and safe trip. Enjoyed hearing about it. :)
What fun-road trip with the kiddos.
I would take Vittles in a minute-I've been lookng for a dog friendly cat.
We missed you! Klink's pad looks really good! I bet it bled like know. You are quite lucky to have In-laws who deal with your dogs...I know too many others that have to leave the dogs at home when they go for a visit.
i notice vittles is wearing a collar.... :o)
sounds like your holidays were good! Klinks foot looks pretty icky. But those types of pad injuries do tend to heal long as they don't start licking them that is!
Good luck keeping her calm-ish... :o)
Debra Kay--come get her! :-)))
Yes Dianna...I am very lucky the are willing to put up with us ;)
YES Amanda...Vittles has a collar....SHHHHHHH!
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