Monday, December 28, 2009

Running Dogwalk Training...

Just a quick video of Lynn's running dogwalk training :) As you can see things are going VERY WELL!


An English Shepherd said...

Cool training vid, nice music as well :-)


Kathy said...

Did you guys build a bigger building at your place?? She is looking good.

Loretta Mueller said...

Gosh I WISH we had...nope, a friends barn that she lets me use :)

But they are going to build a nice one about 30 minutes from me! Can't wait to be able to train there! Now if I can just get an arena put up so I can work stock in the winter I am SET! LOL

Debra Kay said...

Great dog in the making-she's going to be awesome.

livin life said...

If you got an arena for working stock....I would REALLY move in! So is the two on two off quick release a thing of the past?? Do all your bc's do running contacts?

Kathy said...

I hear ya. I would love to have a building that I could work sheep all winter too. I do have a plowed area, but when the wind is blowing like yesterday you can't use that. Need to win lottery!!!

Barbara said...

I have a question about the tunnel to plank. Can you take a picture of that? I think that's a pretty good idea for some training.

I am working on meri's running dog walk, and it's going ok. Still no speed and she's not getting the idea if I am behind her. I do have some video from last weekend and if I get some time, I will edit it and put it up.

D said...

VERY cool! She is doing great!

Loretta Mueller said...

No I don't think 2 on 2 off is of the past...I think there will still be the majority of dogs taught that way...but there are more and more dogs doing running contacts. I did retrain Klinks A-frame to running (we will see how that works!LOL) but just because I didn't like it...the rest of her contacts are 2 on 2 off and I am not changing Gator's or Zip's. They are fine, no need to retrain them. But Even and Lynn will have running contacts, if anything to see if I can train them...

Loretta Mueller said...

Barbara, when I am out at the barn on Thursday I will take a picture of it for you. Helps them get the speed :)

Would love to see your videos too! There is so much to learn!

kiwichick said...

She looks really good. You guys look extremely cold.
But I wouldn't mind a place to train at though :-)

Loretta Mueller said...

HA! It was a balmy 12 degrees :) Hard to run with that many layers of clothing on too! LOL

Loretta Mueller said...

Yes Kathy...powerball would be nice :)