Gosh I WISH we had...nope, a friends barn that she lets me use :)
But they are going to build a nice one about 30 minutes from me! Can't wait to be able to train there! Now if I can just get an arena put up so I can work stock in the winter I am SET! LOL
If you got an arena for working stock....I would REALLY move in! So is the two on two off quick release a thing of the past?? Do all your bc's do running contacts?
I hear ya. I would love to have a building that I could work sheep all winter too. I do have a plowed area, but when the wind is blowing like yesterday you can't use that. Need to win lottery!!!
I have a question about the tunnel to plank. Can you take a picture of that? I think that's a pretty good idea for some training.
I am working on meri's running dog walk, and it's going ok. Still no speed and she's not getting the idea if I am behind her. I do have some video from last weekend and if I get some time, I will edit it and put it up.
No I don't think 2 on 2 off is of the past...I think there will still be the majority of dogs taught that way...but there are more and more dogs doing running contacts. I did retrain Klinks A-frame to running (we will see how that works!LOL) but just because I didn't like it...the rest of her contacts are 2 on 2 off and I am not changing Gator's or Zip's. They are fine, no need to retrain them. But Even and Lynn will have running contacts, if anything to see if I can train them...
Located on a small farm in rural Minnesota, raising crossbred wool market lambs and working our border collies on stock and in agility. Oh and one Jack Russell thrown in there for good measure!
Cool training vid, nice music as well :-)
Did you guys build a bigger building at your place?? She is looking good.
Gosh I WISH we had...nope, a friends barn that she lets me use :)
But they are going to build a nice one about 30 minutes from me! Can't wait to be able to train there! Now if I can just get an arena put up so I can work stock in the winter I am SET! LOL
Great dog in the making-she's going to be awesome.
If you got an arena for working stock....I would REALLY move in! So is the two on two off quick release a thing of the past?? Do all your bc's do running contacts?
I hear ya. I would love to have a building that I could work sheep all winter too. I do have a plowed area, but when the wind is blowing like yesterday you can't use that. Need to win lottery!!!
I have a question about the tunnel to plank. Can you take a picture of that? I think that's a pretty good idea for some training.
I am working on meri's running dog walk, and it's going ok. Still no speed and she's not getting the idea if I am behind her. I do have some video from last weekend and if I get some time, I will edit it and put it up.
VERY cool! She is doing great!
No I don't think 2 on 2 off is of the past...I think there will still be the majority of dogs taught that way...but there are more and more dogs doing running contacts. I did retrain Klinks A-frame to running (we will see how that works!LOL) but just because I didn't like it...the rest of her contacts are 2 on 2 off and I am not changing Gator's or Zip's. They are fine, no need to retrain them. But Even and Lynn will have running contacts, if anything to see if I can train them...
Barbara, when I am out at the barn on Thursday I will take a picture of it for you. Helps them get the speed :)
Would love to see your videos too! There is so much to learn!
She looks really good. You guys look extremely cold.
But I wouldn't mind a place to train at though :-)
HA! It was a balmy 12 degrees :) Hard to run with that many layers of clothing on too! LOL
Yes Kathy...powerball would be nice :)
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