Sunday, February 12, 2012

Winter?? Kinda??

Winter actually came for a few days....below zero temperatures made for unhappy dogs...
The sadness was unbearable...

Some of them resorted to sucking the brains out of their favorite stuffed animals...
Or constantly putting toys in my crotch...and I'll admit, after the first day...I was throwing them...I couldn't help it...I needed something to do too!
U frow dis...pleeeeez??

I baked...a LOT...and then stared at the cupcakes...cause I'm trying to eat better...
WTF is wrong with me?? Seriously? Why am I baking cupcakes, CARROT CAKE CUPCAKES, to just tempt myself...I had to give them to people...after I attempted to devour half of them in one episode of Robot Chicken...

Even Loretta was getting antsy...TWO DAYS OF WINTER!??!?!?!?!?!?!? Here's Loretta's really f*cking scary...
AHHHHHH! or...I could have some dude trying to rub his junk on my rear...and I'm using Jenna's idea on how to get rid of him...see below.

I think I might have posted this before, but I'm WAY TOO LAZY to look back in the archives...

ANYWAY...needless to say, when the temps were up to 27 today, we all went outside...

OH...a tangent...sorry...but we lost or ram :-( Honey Badger went to the great farm in the sky...sadly.

I hope he knocked up some of the ewes though (I know he did...there are some BIG GIRLS out there!!!!)....what a way to die I guess...too much sex??
In reality...he actually had a blockage...not cool. Not cool at all :-( But at least it isn't something contagious...we never want to lose an animal...and I REALLY REALLY liked Honey Badger...

Ok...back on track...THE WEATHER...

This picture of Ace pretty much sums up how we all felt...
Ahhhhh....sun...WARM, HAPPINESS...WARM, WARM H-A-P-P-I-N-E-S-S...

He enjoyed the outside time to the fullest, as any dog should!
I totally was jealous...
Why can't I strip down to nothing and roll around in my yard??
Well #1--I think my neighbors would object...
#2 There are things I don't want to do naked...rolling around in the grass when it's 27 degrees outside is one of them...kickboxing probably too...and frying bacon...I bet that would be painful.
And #3...not sure what the #3 reason is...but alas, I did not roll in the grass...
Maybe next time I'll consider it clothed...but no, there will be no pictures...

The dogs enjoyed it thoroughly...and they returned to their normal selves in no time :) normal as they can be.
Actually...all my dogs are pretty normal...for Border Collies :)
I'm very happy they are all very normal...

And then...
There's Even...good lord. REALLY!?!??!!

And finally...because I am totally a 32 year old woman with a 15 year old living inside me...a picture that made my mind go into the gutter...
Snicker...snort...huh huh huh huuuuhhhh...

If you're not a perv, its pretty art :) Very pretty art :) HA!

Where you thinking today would be about dog bad!!

Next time! I promise!


Laura and The Corgi, Toller, & Duck said...

Best winter ever. Much sadness over here too for the few days it was actually cold.

So sorry to hear about Honey Badger.

47 said...

Sorry about Honey Badger. At least the weather is back up to speed though!