Thursday, February 10, 2011

Stupid Winter...

I think winter has stayed here long enough...I am looking forward to this weekend when it is supposed to be FOURTY DEGREES OUTSIDE!!!!! WOO HOOO!!!!! It will feel like the Bahamas!!
Meanwhile...I am doing RDW turns with Lynn...the plank is now 36" tall...and the increase in angle has helped her footwork :) Tomorrow I find out if all this turn crap ruined my straight DW :) Nothing like sub-zero temperatures for the HIGH to completely shut down agility training in the barn!
In the perfect world, I could work straight DW's whenever I wanted...but Minnesota is far from haven't had her on a straight DW since Monday. Bleck. So...crossing fingers she gets the idea of GO!! Versus Left or Right :)
She has a trial in less than 2 weeks...way to totally confuse her...oh well...we will see what happens tomorrow with her straights...if there is a tough turn in one of the classes and I can't send her off course ahead...I might just pull her from that class. We will see.
I am supposed to run her in March at a trial, but I might skip that depending on how things are going with turns...I need the turns realistically...yes I want her in all Masters (one more stupid Standard leg!) but I need her confident over the DW more...and I have to keep telling myself this :)
With the increase in angle she slowed down a bit, she had to measure it with her protractor first...and then she figured it out. I have also decreased the height of the first she immediately went back into 2 on 2 off :) Bless her little heart (that is what a Southern lady says before she insults someone--Bless her little heart she is fat) Bless Lynn's little heart, she is such a nerd :)
"The height of the previous post was 12.35 inches tall...that meant run, this post, is only 6.23 inches tall, that screams 2 on 2 off to me---the differential equation to calculate the total decrease in"...WTF Lynn...ok...give me that damn ruler!!!!
So she figured out that running was still in order :) Yeah Lynn...bless your little heart :) So after that, we were on. I like her footwork better at the higher I hope once we get to the full height DW, she will be doing well.
It is interesting to watch her on the turns...her tail acts as a rudder, helping her control her decent and she is learning that collection involves her adding a stride...or doing whatever is needed...I think this will for sure help her when she gets in a bind with a straight DW where she is going to fast and has to try to get things under control.
It is by no means where I want it...BUT, it is getting better. I might however, want to work on other things for awhile...since she hasn't done anything else but DW turns...mean...maybe actually RUN SOME COURSES, do some weaves to see if the "swimming" is still going well...which will be set for this weekend, when it is summer again...
And before it goes to -20 again...yuck...
I don't have a picture of the day because blogger is being an ass and won't let me upload one...will work on that :)


Kathy said...

I agree 120%!!! Stupid winter. I am so anxious to get working on Sting. And he is getting anxious as he is fussing whenever I get done feeding sheep and call off whichever dog was holding the sheep. I can tell by the fact that he now barks, that he really wants to work sheep. When it warms up this weekend I can at least work on small stuff on the one side of our barn.

And, I love reading about Lynn and her being a math nerd. It gives me a good laugh. Does she figure out her angles while working sheep too?

Loretta Mueller said...

Funny thing, Lynn is NOT a nerd on sheep :) She has become very pushy and stubborn! LOL

It's Bi-POLAR Lynn! :)

livin life said...

For goodness sakes...if you won't send me Even....I want Lynn! I live for overthinkers!!!!! She is my kindred spirit!!! I wonder if Lynn would type with ! if she could? btw...I love the pics of her with her precious. My fav was the bad a*# mutha. I <3 Lynn.

Loretta Mueller said...

LOL wouldn't feel that way working her on sheep now...she has traded in her nerdy attitude for a BIG attitude on sheep :) Even KK was surprised how much pressure it took from me to get her to bend out...gotta love her :)

Laura and The Corgi, Toller, & Duck said...

Thank you thank you for posting video! Vito's not really a thinker like Lynn but he is pretty quick to get what I'm rewarding. I think I am the who feels like a nerd between me and him.

Loretta Mueller said...

We should get together sometime and work DW's :) Maybe being confused TOGETHER is better than confused ALONE :) LOL