Monday, February 28, 2011

The Excitement Builds...

Day 59: Complete Awesomeness (if that's a word)

Tickets are purchased...Glee Live, I will see you June 1st :) Don't ask me why the nail polish was there...I was in a hurry.

Do they allow alcohol at the Target Center? If so...I will be the 31 (did the math...I am not 32 as previously it matters...but still) year old singing as only drunk people can :) Ahhhh...or, if there is no alcohol, I will still be singing like a drunk the two gals that agreed to go with me (who will probably NOT be claiming me as their own)'s hard to sound pretty when you are screaming the lyrics at the top of your lungs, trying to sing over all the 15 year olds and all their glittery glitter-stuff...

Maybe I'll put on some glitter............................................

WTF is wrong with me?? Someone just kick me in the face RIGHT NOW.

Is it June yet? Fun. Fun. Fun...I invited the husband to come along...he looked at me as if I was asking him for a kidney...fine, don't be all cultured. Whatever :)

Another thing for the month of March...Rocky Horror Picture Show. I have never seen it, and from what I have been told, you need to see it in a movie theater for the full effect...anyone know if this is true or not? Regardless, found a place in the cities that shows it once a month :) Super excited :)

Worked my dogs today...they were craziness and NO thought of collection. It was fun guessing where they would end up off a jump, all the amazing off course potential when they don't collect. Sort of like Russian Roulette Agility :) Might want to work on that. Next trial isn't until mid-March. Will get on's really necessary. I prefer hiking...but I guess to trial well, training might be necessary...

Gator ran into the side of a tunnel...he thought that was what I was asking for...brilliant Tator Salad...brilliant. Klink tripped me and I fell...hit my forehead on something...and now I have this lovely scratch on my face. Lynn bit my hand trying to get to her toy, so now I have wounds on my face AND hands. I.AM.SEXY.

If not training for the dogs...maybe at least some more exercise...I am running out of body parts I am willing to let get injured.

I am down to my last pair of stop SHOPPING...WOO HOO!!!!! If only I liked shopping...which I don't. I like to go into a store, get the shit I need...and then get the hell out of there. Maybe I can get a belt and make the jeans stay on for several more pounds...less shopping...shudder...

I'll stop today before I get on some other tangent involving, who knows what...


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh Go see Rocky Horror in the theater! Is it still playing at Uptown? Saw it many times there.

Kathy said...

I saw Rocky Horror at Uptown years ago. It was a blast. Have fun!!!

Loretta Mueller said...

Yep...the Uptown :) I think it is going to be a blast!

Taryn said...

The fun part of seeing Rocky Horror is the audience least back in my day (I've got quite a few years on you!) if that still goes on, it is ALOT of fun!