Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lynn...totally pathetic post on this dog...

But it's my there :)

Seriously...I love this dog. She is so, just, amazing...

She is the type of dog that once you teach her, she never forgets. EVER. She wants to please, biddable, listens, works hard and never gives up. I am so lucky to have her. I honestly believe that. It has taken me some time to really understand her, to figure out what makes her tick...but now, wow. I just can't believe what an amazing little dog she is.

She has taught me so much, made me humble, made me proud, made me frustrated, made me want to pull my hair out, made me so estatic I could hardly contain many many things. One dog. One little, split faced, BIG eared dog...
Andy and I set up the FCI large dog Standard course tonight. I was worried about 4 to 5 being that Lynn with her running dogwalk always scares me anyway :) Little did I know I wouldn't have any issues with it. She ran it flawlessly. I mean 100%. I honestly teared up a bit after she did it. She was amazing...and yes, I am totally bragging on my dog. I am damn proud of her. I am beaming about it. She turned tight perfectly, her contacts were lovely, she listened, she gave me 200% and I don't honestly care if she never does it again. It was great...

Gator and Klink ran awesome as well, the collection work I have been doing with them is really helping :) Klink thinks I am evil and I should be in prison for it, but hey, she is turning tighter now! I am excited about Cynosport! WOO HOO!!!

Why am I so spastically proud of Lynn? I guess because there is something about her, the dog has so much heart...something not all dogs have. I am not saying that in a negative way, but some dogs TRY harder than others...and she has it. She is not out for herself, she is in this with me, we are a team...and I LOVE that...

Plus the dog can turn herself in to a pretzel over a jump, how freaking cool is that?? I think she even has her mother beat on that ability. And Zip can really turn on a jump...

And working her on love love it.

I was just sitting in the grass with her today after she ran, thinking about everything as she is laying there, with me, tennis ball in her mouth, tounge hanging out and this huge smile on her face. This is the puppy that, after the puppy tests were done, all the other puppies tested GREAT...she...well...didn't. She didn't care about the tester...she just did her own thing the ENTIRE she was independent and dominant...GREAT. So I figured, I was keeping two puppies, and I bred the litter, so it was my deal if I had a puppy that was possibly going to be a "problem child" I kept her...

Goes to show you puppy tests don't really tell you anything :) There is something special about her...I can't completely put it into words...but I am so happy I get to have her in my life...

OK, you can stop gagging now... :)


kiwichick said...

Very sweet. I know exactly what you mean. I have one of those dogs too :-) Great luck in Kentucky!

Unknown said...

We all have that special dog in our lives!!