Sunday, October 3, 2010

I love fall...

It's one of my favorite seasons. I hate winter that comes after it, but with the possiblility of the building being put up, I guess I am OK with things getting cooler this year :) It's a lot of fun just looking at all the flowers and plants this time of year.I just love the colors
lilies :)
Flowering crab apples
I get to look at this everytime I walk out of my lucky :)
Rosey Glow Barberry (I think?)
I love the native grasses we have...
And I have all the agility equipment I could want...
Sunflowers, TONS of birds around these normally...I guess with me there they decided to scram :)
One of my favorite things to do in the fall is to pick pumpkins and gords out of our garden. We got TWO wheelbarrows full this year!

All of the market lambs are gone, we got great prices for them this year. These 4 ewes were kept back for replacements. They will earn their keep this year by helping to train young dogs.
They don't seem that interested in that idea!
The orchard we planted actually gave us some fruit this year! WOO HOO! Apples and plums!
More of our garden stuff :) I put this at the end of our driveway...thought it looked cute!
I love our house :) Not too big, not too small, just right.
Purple these!

More native grasses!
More garden stuff :)
I love fall, did I mention that??


Anonymous said...

I love fall too! The colors and the weather is just heavenly!

On your indoor arena flooring. Where we give lessons the owner sometimes uses the indoor arena for herding practice and clinics even. It's nice for working young dogs. The surface is sand with fine shavings in it. After herding a little water and dragging and it's good to go for agility again. Just a thought:)

Knotty Dogs said...

Wow! Gorgeous!

Unknown said...

I'm jealous of your real fall... :(

Ellie said...

How gorgeous! Your farm is beautiful... love all the native grasses you have, too :)

Taryn said...

You are very lucky to have your home surrounded by so much beauty and space!

Loretta Mueller said...

Thanks everyone :) I do feel very blessed to be able to live here :) I love it!

Thanks Sclmarm! The problem with the winters up here is that we can't water for months (-30 degrees sometimes) so it has to hold water very well...does that surface do that?

Kristi said...

I'm so jealous! Your gourds runneth over! Mine just get mouldy and wither.

Anonymous said...

Actually we don't water the arena all winter. I do live in Oregon where it does rain quite a bit, so we probably have more moisture in the air. The last herding clinic the owner had there she didn't have time to drag or water the arena before she left on a 2 week trip. We let it air out for a week(clinic on the weekend, I teach agility on Monday) and have been using it ever since with out a problem even with Beagles playing agility. The sheep were in the arena a good four-five hours a day. They also used some ducks too in there too. Around here we trial in horse arenas all the time, so I figure the dogs need to learn to work with a little poop scattered around:)