Monday, September 27, 2010

One more before Cyno!

Andy and I and the Full Tilt crew headed out to Hortonville, WI for the WACO USDAA trial. Figured it would be good to get one more trial in before Nationals :) And we were right!

Gator, Klink and Crackers ran in team, our first chance to get that out of the way for Nationals...all 3 got their Q's! And Crackers and Klink's team with Diane and Jet got 2nd. Good pups! Team Q--CHECK!

The weekend was a good one, Klink was being a BRAT with a capital EVERYTHING! Knocking bars mainly. Collection?? WTF? Nope...not in her brain apparently. So she got pulled in Standard on Saturday. are 5 Klink. K? After that there was an amazing transformation. She didn't put one foot wrong :) Hmmmmmmm...imagine that! Gator was running very well, doing his job and listening well. As was Crackers.

Lynn had her first weekend in all Advanced. She had already moved to Advanced Snooker a weekend before, but everything else was Starters before this weekend. Saturday she was LOVELY. Went 5 for 5..and um...she is starting to bark. And bit me after a few of the runs....hmmmmm

I am really enjoying watching her confidence go higher and higher with each trial :) She was definetly getting more of her normal self at the trial, I was very very happy to see it. We had our best dogwalks EVER at a trial! Lots of good things!

Both Klink and Gator are just one leg away from their ADCH-Silver's! :) FUN! Will put up the older dogs videos soon :)

1 comment:

Kirby @ said...

Wow, those dog walks look amazing! Really great stuff! Good Luck in Kentucky!