And very very happy. She is asleep and very content, and so is Loretta :)
At this point there appears to be no kidney I am very happy about this. Time will tell, for now, she is fine, happy and exhausted :)
I did voice my opinion on what happened yesterday to the Dr. and on of the techs at the clinic appologized and said she was pretty embarassed at what happened yesterday. Wasn't HER fault, but I appreciated it. The vet who I talked to (the one who asked me to leave) just kind of stood there, dumbfounded, as if, god forbid, I had the NERVE to say I wasn't happy with things. It wasn't that PC and I wasn't friendly one damn bit about maybe I was a bit too brash...whatever.
She's home...that is all that matters.
Gearing up for the next 2 months...MAC USDAA, then the North Central Regionals in Michigan, then Hortonville, WI for the first of the 2011 qualifiers for Nationals, then Cynosport in Louisville. Lots of agility...bleck...
Did I just say that? Yep...bleck. I want to work sheep...I am fine when I get to the trials, I enjoy it etc. But just not being very motivated to really get into it...not sure why, could be fall is coming.
Could be I am just more focused on dogs, family and life. And agility isn't fitting in there right now...
Could be I need a vacation...
Could be I am finding things to do that are more fun than agility...
Could be I haven't slept since Zip was at the vet Sunday am, so I am just damn tired...
Probably all of the above...
Seen in a chart
4 days ago
That's good news:)
And sometimes things just need to be said. Hopefully the vet took something from that...
relax now that your sweet baby is home!! Glad to hear she is ok
Glad she's home! Things will get better now.
Glad she's back home and doing better. Hope you find your path again (whatever or where ever that leads ;-)
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the prayers and thoughts for her :) I do believe they definetly helped!
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