Thursday, August 26, 2010

I really...and Even...

Want to go out west for a bit...and I am actually contemplating a road trip or flying out west for a few weeks...would love to work with some herding folks and meet some of the people I know off of FB :)

Hmmm.....maybe after Cynosport...a good detox...

Maybe Oregon or Idaho...both sound very very nice...

And on the Even front...she was doing great, 15 minute walks twice a day, passive range of motion, lots of fun tricks. Everything was awesome....

We added 5 mintues of free swimming, 1st session great, 2nd session great, 3rd session we nixed the swimming but kept the walks. Still no walks right now and she won't let me put her elbow into flexion...this is very very sad.

She has a recheck tomorrow...not sure what is going on...but this just kills me...I want her to be normal again...and it seems like it is 1 step forward and 3 steps back...

Damn it. What else can I say?


Unknown said...

come to Carnation, WA (near Seattle)

Chris and Ricky said...

Are ups and downs normal for Even's recovery? It is definitely frustrating but if it is part of the process, then so be it, and you know she'll end up great - if it's not part of the process, then of course it's a big worry. Can the doctors tell you that?

Anonymous said...

Yes come out to Idaho! I would love to go work dogs with you!

Loretta Mueller said...

I talked to Dr. Canappa and he said to put her back on an anti-inflammatory and keep working her...and check back within a week.

Hopefully all is good...keep your fingers crossed!

Loretta Mueller said...

Hmmmm WA one year, Idaho the next?? :)

Anonymous said...

Come to Oregon! We have the BEST beer (other than Summit Extra Pale Ale ;-)

How far are you away from Minneapolis. I will be flying in to MSP on Oct 9, and driving to Cynosport on Monday.

Anonymous said...

As for Even, just take it slow. Let her heal on her timetable. She'll be back up and running soon.

Kelly said...

I'm sorry to hear of the soreness. I know every time my little dog takes a wrong step I FREAK!

Ali said...

Sorry to hear about Even :( My dog broke his leg and had many up and downs during healing & rehab so I can empathize with how frustrating it can be when you just want them to feel better! Best of luck, soon you will look back and think 'wow did we actually go through all that?!' :)