Monday, July 19, 2010

Fixing the Steven..Phase 2 completed :)

Whew! We are here in Maryland! Left on Saturday instead of Sunday....wanted to be able to take my time. Good thing as there was a TON of road construction...bleck! Traffic + a stick shift car = a whole lotta suckiness :)

Got to the hotel last night (so 2 days driving, not too shabby!) And are all settled in. It is hotter than hell here. Seriously. Summers in Minnesota have softened me to heat. It is very warm here, and humid. I brought Klink with me in addition to Even of course. And they are both dying! LOL Found a nice park this am to take them to, and they played, for about 8 minutes...then collapsed under a tree :) Apparently they are not digging this weather!

Since we got here a day early, I am just relaxing, enjoying the ability to do NOTHING...dogs are sleeping, and I am plotting going to the beach this afternoon :) 8 am tomorrow Even goes in for her consult with Dr. Canapp...then most likely surgery. Klink and I will probably go do some sight seeing and maybe revisit the beach!

If he says he can fix Even...I am probably going to cry. Right there in the office :) It will be SOOOO relieving to KNOW what is going on :) I am worried about surgery, but I know she is in capable hands...then Wednesday pick her up and start on the trip towards Council Bluffs, Iowa for the Kathy Knox clinic. My friend that owns Spot will be bringing Lynn down to Iowa to meet up with me :) Gosh I miss her!

Will keep all of you updated on tomorrow...keep your fingers crossed!!!


Chris and Ricky said...

Fingers completely crossed!

Unknown said...

Fingers crossed here too!! Good luck Miss Even Steven. :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck! Fingers and Paws crossed over here in Oregon!

livin life said...

Visualizing greatness for Even....and peace for you! Can't wait to hear.....and YES we need to at least meet in the middle!!!! I want every tiny detail of the Kathy clinic...k?

Taryn said...

Good Luck!