I am pregnant with a baby, he/she is due March...we are SOOOO excited! Andy is going to be a great dad!Say WHAT!?!??!?!
OK...not really...I would be crying if that happened...like SOBBING...but I don't have a ton of fun info to share since I posted last time :-D (Well Andy would make a great dad...but we would have to have someone running around with both of us with a censor horn....) Our child would have the mouth of a sailor, yet have a LOVELY running dogwalk.....
Things are going well here....we just got done with a trial. The dogs did great :)
Gator was a good boy, a bit ornery on Saturday, but that is OK :) He won Steeplechase finals! Good boy! Also picked up 2 jumpers Q's with placements, a Standard Q, 2 pairs Q's and some others just can't remember---finished his SACH-Silver and TM-Silver....
Klink had her first trial back after her 6 week break...considering we didn't run any full courses until the trial I was soooo happy with her! She won Snooker Sunday, 2nd in Steeplechase to her brother :) And some jumpers, pairs gamblers etc Q's :) Finished her TM-Silver and something else...can't remember....Good girl.
I thought she might not even be able to run since earlier in the week she had to go hunt up our 250+ pound ram "Jello"....yeah she found him...600 yards away, in a corn field, with his buddy. She got him, and fought him all the way to the barn. She won, he lost bigtime :-(( But she had many sore spots and some scrapes from it. People ask me why I have herding bred dogs (not agility bred)...that is why. Case in point. I HAVE TO HAVE a dog that is willing to take on a ram. A nasty one. She is a brillian dog, Jello will be making a trip to the sale barn this fall...after attacking me last year and being in general a dangerous animal it is getting old.
Crackers had yet another great weekend! Won Grand Prix, Won both rounds of Steeplechase! Finished his AAD with a first place Standard Q, picked up 2 jumpers Q's, 2 Pairs Q's (all firsts I think) and ALSO.....2 SUPER Q's!!!! Winning Master Snooker both days! So all his Super Q's are done for his ADCH! Craziness! All in Masters now...how fun is that? :)
Lynn is going to be entered in a trial in August (lord help me!!)...should be interesting!!!!
Even is fine :) Evil, a bit demented, a bit naughty...but fine :)
Ace is still old, and now won't drink water in the house, in the garage YES, in the yard YES, in the house NO....getting old sucks. Wonder what he will come up with next?
Zip is enjoying her retirement, she won the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS of 12" jumps and tunnels last week at our house....she totally kicked a$$ :-)) And she works sheep...so she couldn't give a crap that she isn't doing agility :)
And totally off topic, stale ice. Never heard of it. Apparently never tasted it. A friend of mine, one evening, informed me of her hatred of stale ice...Whaaaaaaa???
So...since I have never tasted stale ice (or didn't know if I had) my friend told me to put some of my ice in a ziplock bag and put it in the freezer, once it got cloudy, eat it.
Um..OK...whatever...........tick tock.......tick tock.....
Conclusion: Stale ice tastes like a$$....totally nasty and I am very grateful for my ice machine that has technology that does all things possible to prevent it....N-A-S-T-Y...
We are still looking at putting up an agility building...have been thinking of selling a kidney..figure I can purchase a pretty good one with that money....right?
True Blood rocks...my favorite show and I am so irritated I have buy HBO to watch it....Sunday night coma-fest between HBO and showtime...ahhh...
Trial this weekend, Andy will be gone for part of Saturday, so I get to run the Crackhead....THAT should be interesting!!!! LMAO!
So yeah...an entire post about pretty much NOTHING! :-)) Ahhhh, you missed me, you know it!
LOL, glad you're back! Diana
Sometimes no real news is good news. Congrats on all the dogs great runs!
hey you!
p.s. i love gator. he is such a smooth running dog.
That was a nasty trick announcing your (not real) pregnancy. I was all set to send a card! It sure got my attention!
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