Saturday, June 5, 2010

How could I forget??

We took Lynn and the Crackhead along with us to Wisconsin to pick up Even. LV had a fun run Thursday night so we thought, why not?

We have started to teach Crackers a stop in addition to his running dogwalk. Reason? Traps. We are seeing MANY more of them. And Andy has had some issues with them, SO...Crackers was a bit of a guinea pig on this. GO!! Means run your dogwalk. Touch means a stopped contact. So far he is getting it AND, a side effect, he isn't waiting for a turn or thinking there MIGHT be one. So his running is actually getting faster! HA!

So Andy will be using touch for turns or whatever. And GO for just run ahead and take the next thing. We MIGHT see how things progress and if it stays on the same path it currently is with might be something I will consider with Lynn. She actually turns better off her dogwalk than Crackers...but if I can have it as an option, that would be LOVELY :)

Speaking of Stewie! She was BRILLIANT at the fun run. She gets an extra bit of edge on her when she feels the energy of the crowd...and boy was she pushy! I LOVE LOVE LOVED it! She nailed all her contacts! Gorgeous dogwalks even though it was going into a wall (which she has never done before!) Perfect Aframes, teeter was crazy fast, she did bounce off of it the first time, just couldn't hold her 2o2o, but was fine after that :) Weaves GREAT, jumping perfect. She drives like a little sports car, fast and can turn on a dime. I am REALLY enjoying running her and now that Zip has her APD...a spot has opened up for my little split face :) So now to just get the courage! The fun run definetly showed me she was ready to do this...

I have a fun run at my place on the 12th, so I will run her in that also to test her. But so far she is just amazing...gotta love that dog! She is so relaxed when she is running, a big stride, great jumper, serious and intense...I am just so damn happy with her! :)

Klink is doing better, recovering from her back issue caused by a smack down with the teeter at a trial in February--the teeter won--and we have been working on her, but things were not moving along as well as they needed to. SO...she has been off since the beginning of May. Working core exercises (well actually EVERYONE is now) and her back looks FANTASTIC :) So she is jumping...she is up to 22" and is only jumping or tunnels. She goes in for a check up this week to see if things are holding. IF so, add contacts. Recheck. Then add weaves...and that is probably what will break her if it is going to happen. But with her strong core she will most likely be fine :)

I am hoping all the winter injuries that have carried over are DONE.

No bids yet on the agility would THINK if you were competing to build a several thousand dollar could get your crap together quicker. Seriously. So we wait. And wait. I am not patient...can you tell?? Still keeping my fingers crossed!

Ok...NOW I am done :)


Debra Kay said...

It's so good to have Even back-I've followed the two sisters with much interest.

Loretta Mueller said...

Thanks! I am happy to have her back too!!! :)