Monday, May 24, 2010


Are evil, they will peck your eyes out, claw your arteries open, kill you and eat you. Chickens are yummy when they are already dead. But alive they are pure killing machines...

....Or so my brain thinks when I get near them...

I am scared of them, I'll admit it, I don't like chickens. This probably stems from summers on the grandparents farm being chased by roosters, turkeys etc. Having to gather eggs and getting pecked or the occasional black snake you accidentally grabbed instead of the egg **shudder**...regardless I hate them.

While working the dogs on sheep down in southern MN, I saw a rooster, he wasn't evil, just stood there looking at me...and VERY HANDSOME. So I grabbed my camera and decided I wanted a picture of him more than to run away, arms flailing, screaming. Isn't he just gorgeous? He seemed very mellow...which I found interesting as the ones I grew up around would launch themselves at you...lovely birds they are. But they always have that super pissed off look in their they are going to strike at a moments notice, and peck your ankles to death...

SEE!!!!!!!!! ATTACK!!!!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait...maybe he is doing his cock-a-doodle-doo thing...maybe...I have a crook to beat him off with if needed.

And this one, required me to get closer, and I felt like I wanted to pee my pants. He never attacked, never even came over to me. Good evil serial killer rooster, good boy.
I survived...and I am still scared of chickens...


Anonymous said...

I have a similar fear of geese, mean mother effers, that have similar stalking abilities of all the great horror villains. Of course, no fowl comes close to the evilness of clowns...

Loretta Mueller said...

Yeah...geese are in that too....flapping winged creatures.

Oh god, don't mention clowns...those things F*CK me UP...hate hate hate clowns...always have, always will. I would live in a chicken coop before you could EVER get me to spend one hour near a clown...

Taryn said...

A rooster actually sent one of my friends to the hospital! She got a nasty staff infection after being torn up by that super-sharp claw they have. They are definitely something to be feared!

Clowns...not so much :-)