We just got back from the RACE USDAA trial in Crystal Lake, IL :) Having a lot on my mind in my personal life it was hard to stay focused and not get overwhelmed, and I don't think I did a great job of hiding that things were a bit chaotic right now, I will have to work more on that.
The dogs did well! I went down there with 2 goals: #1 get Crackers and Andy qualified for DAM Team, and #2 get a Grand Prix leg with Gator :)
We did just that :) Diane Sanders and Jet, Klink and I, and Andy and Crackers = Jet thinks Klink's on Crack :-) We ended up 4th place and got Crackers his DAM Q for Nationals :) This is Andy's 3rd trial and he did a great job handling the pressure of team :) I am very grateful to Diane for helping us out! Klinker picked up several more legs towards her LAA-Bronze too! :)
Gator also Q'd on his team with Pyro and Mesa :) They ended up 6th I think? And he was clean 5 for 5 for team and is also closing in on that LAA-Bronze with several other legs this weekend :) Gator got his Grand Prix leg---1st Q for Nationals....now onto the 2nd one! :)
Klink is now Q'd up for Nationals, she got 2nd in Round 1 Steeplechase to Q and then went onto get 2nd in Finals against some great GREAT dogs, LOTS of nice 22" dogs there! I was amazed she did so well with all those amazing dogs!
Lots of other Q's, Zip finished her PIII Gamblers title so she is done with Gamblers, she COULD have finished her PIII Snooker title, but apparently her handler (no idea who THAT is LOL) forgot snooker rules...I am brilliant :) My first time to ever freeze in Snooker, I am blaming other things on my mind--or I am getting old :) She is closing in on her Performance ADCH though, and then she will retire to stockwork only (which is of course her first love anyway).
Crackers finished his SSA and AD with several firsts, also won Advanced Jumpers both days so one more leg at the crackhead is in MASTERS!?!!?!?!? REALLY!!?!?!? WOW. We have some work to do on his running dogwalk, it was NOT a thing of beauty this weekend ;) But his A-frames were SOLID. He also picked up is first Advanced Pairs leg, with his littermate ParTay :)
The highlight for me in regards to Crackers was Steeplechase :) Andy and Crackers placed 2nd in Round 1 and then in the finals laid a nice run down for 2nd in the Finals as well! :) His first Steeplechase leg AND watching he and Andy hauling butt in the Finals as sooooo adorable! They are really becoming a great team ;) Here are a few of their runs:
And some of my dogs :)
And on the Even Steven front...I had Laurie McCauley from TOPS look at her and she diagnosed her with tendonitis in the supraspinatus tendon :-(( SO...that is what has been causing all this lameness :-( BUT, I have an answer. And that is the first step, we will be getting a rehab plan together to get her back to her normal self :) I am excited about having my Even to work again :)
And some of my dogs :)
And on the Even Steven front...I had Laurie McCauley from TOPS look at her and she diagnosed her with tendonitis in the supraspinatus tendon :-(( SO...that is what has been causing all this lameness :-( BUT, I have an answer. And that is the first step, we will be getting a rehab plan together to get her back to her normal self :) I am excited about having my Even to work again :)
Lynn is doing GREAT, running A-frames are SOLID, she is weaving 12 poles, jumping 22" and working on the teeter...dogwalk...well...you probably saw it coming...I have tried the running again :) She is up to 27" and doing well, I am only doing the down plank right now, and taking it slowly. Her striding is great though, she doesn't miss at all (3 feet in minimum) and I have started doing a bit of turning :) I will stay with just the down plank until I am at full height. I will try to get some video of it. This is definetly a learning experience and one that I am having fun with now :) BOTH of us are having fun again...good deal!
I have figured out some things to help make it easier with the next dog I try it with...hopefully we continue to move forward :) Time will tell, and time will also tell if she ends up with it and not a 2o2o!
I don't know how you get anything done with those adorable lambs in the pasture! Great pictures!
Very sorry about Even, but she will get through it. Luke had bicepital tendonitis (sp?) towards the end of his first year of agility -- Brought on from frisbee moreso than agility. The rest period sucks and is hard to get through with an active young dog, but it passes quickly enough. I did make the mistake of trying to let him do too much too soon, though, and it just set us back. Several years later and it has not caused us any further problems, thankfully. I am very careful to not let him overwork in any activity. Now we just have a multitude of chiropractic issues due to his overwhelming size.... ;o)
Hey...love the lambies!!! Can you share a little more on your "plan" for dealing with the tendonitis? Seems to plague one of my girls and I would love to hear your ideas!
Thanks Karissa, I know it will get better, and I am very happy to have an answer!
Lora--yep, when I get the info I will pass it on :) Right now, anti-inflammatories, leash walking and that is about it. Even wants to slit her wrists I think :)
Go Crackhead and Andy! Love watching another guy running a Jack. Reminds me of my son Zach and his Jack Nub:)
The lambs are A-DORABLE. I still want to bottle feed a lamb.
Awww those lambs are adorable. I have ten goat kids this year and they are so cute, but I'm glad kidding (and lambing) are over for the year. Can't handle the suspense lol.
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