The triplets came yesterday, she had one little ewe, then a HUGE ram lamb I had to pull, and then another little ewe. All are doing fine and I think Andy was very happy that I have pulled animals in the past :)
We started taking them out of the lambing jugs and putting them in the pasture. After banding tails and "boy dangly parts" we set them free! These are pics of their first day outside :)

I honestly can't imagine not lambing, it is so much fun and the babies are already having lambie races around the pasture and causing havoc :)
Lambs are so cute and then they grow up to be sheep. (c;
Patti is going to want to name that one Spot, you just know that she will. LOL
It's a nice feeling knowing that you done lambing, isn't it. We aren't due to start lambing until roughly April 14th. I think that next year I will shoot for the end of March/beginning of April. We only have 6 ewes due to lamb in April. Our ram died right before New Year's so I am not sure if he bred the other two. We'll find out later.
Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Sorry for rambling.
seriously the cutest baby animals ever, i love lambs.
Fantastic. A sure sign of Spring. I will swap you a baby border collie. Lol. Lots of babies going on...
Unbelievably cute!!
Why do you band their tails? Do you mean you cut of the cirulation to that area and it dies and fall off? Just a question, I dont know anything about sheep.Diana
We dock the tails to keep them cleaner and also it is easier to shear them. I personally also like the look of docked tails versus natural. Hope this helps!
Kathy, Andy thought the black spot was iodine...LOL
They are soooooooooooo cute!!!!!! Congrats on the triplets. I might get triplets yet. I only have two goats to kid out, but who knows? :)
That is funny that Andy thought that it was iodine. I bet Steve would think the same thing.
I, too, prefer the look of docked tails and yes, they are cleaner that way. I have seen some that didn't get docked and boy are they funky looking.
Oh good grief....every year at this time I just pray like the dickens that someone will give me a lamb to raise-then take it back. It has to be a hair sheep though, no eating of my bottle baby.
I think that would be so much fun-the fun of having the baby and then shipping it off to a good life!
Hi There!
We stumbled upon your blog and just wanted to say that these lambs are adorable!
Thank you for sharing them!
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
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