A person has to make a hard decision...
Even went in for her first laser treatment today and it was a complete cluster **ck. They ended up burning her skin, YEP, you read that right, BURNING...So I have decided that Even is going to go stay with a very good friend and she will get all her rehab done at TOPS in Illinois. This way she gets whatever she needs, whenever she needs it and I can give her the best care possible. She will be there for about a month...which probably in the grand scheme of life doesn't seem like much, but to me it is going to last a VERY long time.
I love this little girl so very much and I just want to see her healthy and happy again. If it means I have to not see her for a month, then so be it. I am so very grateful to my friend who is willing to take her and work with her for a month! I am so very blessed with amazing people in my life. I take her down next week, I am sure I will be crying all the way back to Minnesota...but I need to just put my big girl pants on and deal with it. She needs to get better and this is a great way to make that happen...
It's going to be a long month...
You are a strong person in doing this for Even. I know you will miss your girlie, but in the long run you'll get back a healthy girl who will be able to do things with you for years to come. You are doing the right thing.
Did they actually singe her hair?? Ouch, poor girlie. Laser can burn so easily, that is why when they use it in surgery you have to be careful.
Take care.
you are making the best choice for her. although that doesn't make it any easier!!!!
They burned her? Geez. I'm sure a month with rehab at a great place will be worth the missing her part.
Oh, and I moved from CT to IN last Dec. New job.
Poor Even...Poor you! Hopefully it will fly by, and you will have a completely sound dog when it's over.
Thanks everyone, I appreciate the support!
Kathy--they burned her SKIN. Yeah...to say I was furious is an understatement...
Carolyn-how do you like Indiana versus CT?
You guys are so right...I will have a sound dog when she comes home...I am so grateful to my friend who is willing to take her on :)
There are lots of small differences...people drive slower here, people are pretty pleasant (please, thank you) - less brusque than New England, and it's very flat everywhere. People always want to know why I would want to move here!! Most of the sheepdog and agility people I've met here have been really nice. I have a blog actually about moving here (which I've been told comes off as East Coast bitchy but I'm trying to tone it down!). www.yesitisflathere.blogspot.com
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