Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sad...just very sad...

I don't leave my dogs with other people...I just don't. Not sure if it is the control freak in me, or I fear something will happen. I have to leave my Even Steven...and this is really going to suck.

Who wouldn't miss this face?? And I am going to be really getting Lynn going on stockwork in the next week or so...which she will miss out on...for now... Her left tricep is actually shaved, and now I just did a crappy photoshop job so I wouldn't have to look at it. Still angry about that...

Now onto happier things! LAMBS!

They are FAT, very fat and very cute :) That tail should be falling off any day now! FOR SALE: dressage prospect!!! Look at that flexion! :) MY...what big ears you have!Some look like chewbacca apparently... My favorite ewe lamb :) WHAT?? Spot...also known as Lard A$$ :) Hmmmmm... Stout little buggers! Yeah...never having children...ever... This one reminds me of Donkey off Shrek for some reason! My favorite ewe :) Ya just wanna snuggle with him, don't you? :) Most of them :) Miss Cleo--who has gone from feral kittie to "I am going to come watch you give agility lessons and bug the living crap out of you"...sigh...damn cat.


Chris and Ricky said...

I read your post yesterday and was too upset for you to comment. I don't leave Ricky with anyone either and I am so sorry that all of this is happening to Even! I can't believe they burned her skin. But I do believe that you are doing the right thing by taking her some where where she can get the treatment that she needs. Thank goodness you have a friend willing to take her in and help her. It's going to be extremely difficult for you to be separated from her but hopefully she will heal quickly and be home before you know it. Know that we are thinking about you guys!

Chris and Ricky

Loretta Mueller said...

Thanks Chris :) That is exactly how I feel, and I have to just be logical (what??)and not emotional...that being said I know I am going to do a good deal of crying. I love all my dogs so much. Thanks for thinking of her, I know my friend will send me updates and she couldn't be in better hands :)

Sara said...

I ran across your blog a while back, and it made me so sad reading about being without Even. My horses and dogs are my kids too so my heart goes out to you. Love your pictures of the lambs!

Debra Kay said...

I'm so sad too-Even is my fave.