OK...bugged here...
Dog is sniffing something, you call dogs name and recall command. They ignore you...
Then you go get the dog, by the collar and DRAG him back to the spot you were at when you called him.
#1 Do YOU remember the exact spot you were at? I wouldn't
#2 Does it really matter that the dog needs to come to THAT spot? Like they care, they weren't paying attention and value a smell more than you (HINT HINT)...
#3 Does this give the dog any choice to make a correct decision to be rewarded? NO. You are taking all that away from them and being ugly with them at the same time. And even from a standpoint of correction you are not taking pressure off for a correct response, you are taking pressure off when YOU have them back at that "spot"...how is that supposed to help the dog?
Please, if you must grab their collar, grab it and when they acknowledge you, LET GO...let go and see if when you turn away from them (taking pressure OFF) they will come into you. Why would a dog come to someone that is angry, putting pressure on them (aka staring them down, body is giving off scarey languageetc?) I wouldn't, dogs are not that dumb people :)
Once you get ahold of your dog, take them, put them on leash and go work on recalls with rewards...K? Thanks...
OK...done...I feel better now.
"Surely you can't be serious."
5 days ago
Don't be stupid. The way you do it is this. You call your dog. It keeps sniffing what it's sniffing. You be polite and you wait until said dog is done sniffing and then click when he gets around to looking at you. Grabbing them by the collar is just plain ... -N+P punishment negative and positively horrible.
:) Well SERIOUSLY, a person did this to their dog across my 2 ACRE yard...ugh...
Psh. Well of course that method isn't working. The person forgot to beat the dog...;)
OH DUH TORI!!!! THAT is what makes them want to come to you the next time! Why didn't I think of that! I have been doing it ALL wrong... ;)
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