You just have to get away...and take 7 million pictures of your dogs :)
And sometimes you have to play around with Photoshop...just so you can make the 7 million pictures look weird and cool.
Just sometimes...
Yeah...he has ears...BIG ONES... Lynn doesn't seem too interested in this...
I like to call this one "Profile of a Crackhead"...
I for some reason really love this photo...probably looks silly to the rest of the world :)
Zip and Crackers in a good old game o'tug :)
Ace--this picture IS Ace :)
THIS is happiness...
Wierd :)
LOOK! A JackA$$!!
Oddest photo yet, Even looking peaceful!?!?!?
The only time Crackers will EVER look huge...
Doesn't he look like he is gonna kick some a$$?
He isn't...100% sure on that...yep.
Vittles...looking pissed at something, who knows, she's a cat. I know what she is pissed at :)
Crackers...quit pushing your luck
There! A picture of Vittles...and the car tire...YOU try getting a cat to pose...whatever
And I worked Lynn on her dogwalks ;) I was starting to add turns, but I am going to wait on that...I want to get her to the full height plank first...but here is a video :)
Located on a small farm in rural Minnesota, raising crossbred wool market lambs and working our border collies on stock and in agility. Oh and one Jack Russell thrown in there for good measure!
1 comment:
GORGEOUS pictures!!!
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