Sunday, April 18, 2010

I made the realization...

That if Andy and I had to take sheep up to the mountains to graze like they did in Sweetgrass...


I would be the younger man cussing/screaming at the ewes after having a meltdown being in the Montana wilderness for 3 months...

And Andy would be the old man singing...


Stupid Andy...


livin life said...

Man, I have had a day or two like that young man (on a smaller scale but still with sheep) time I could not get a lamb pulled and the swear words I put together for that situation would have stunned Lady Gaga! I don't know that "this generation" of city folk would ever understand the option-less hard work....nor would they be willing to do it. Next time, I might try siging....NOT!

Loretta Mueller said...

Probably not...I get funny looks when people find out we have sheep, and breed them and sell if they can't understand WHY :)

D said...

So true, so VERY true...