Friday, February 5, 2010

By golly...we might have it!

I have been working Lynn no more than every 2 days...sometimes 3 on her running dogwalks. Things have been going well :)

She is now up to a 28" full dogwalk with no issues so far since her "plateau" at 20" awhile back.

This is her 2nd time on 28" and I am going to probably do another session at this height before I move her up again.


Unknown said...

I am impressed. Keep up the good work and it is enjyabel to see your videos and progess!!

Loretta Mueller said...

Thanks so much :) It is an interesting journey! LOL

Achieve1dream said...

Nicely done! She looked great!

Sare said...

Whoo hoo, go Lynn! Looks Great - nice and smooth.

Loretta Mueller said...

Thanks achieve1dream and sare :) It is "jump for joy" and "pull out your own hair" all in the same training session as times...but things seem to be coming together :)