The weather has been LOVELY up here...anything near 30 degrees is summer :) We are enjoying, the dogs are LOVING it and we are (as I have said MANY TIMES in the past..I am soooo ready for spring!)...lots of walks going I snapped a few pictures :)

Zippity Zoom :) Can't believe she will be 7 years old in April!

Now onto the trial :) First off Zip. She had several great runs, and then bars started falling...and we figured out she had subluxated her she didn't really run on Sunday :-(( Which was a bummer...but she did have some nice are a few :)
PIII Jumpers Q and 1st place :)
PIII Standard...GREAT RUN, one bar :-((
PIII Pairs (and her pairs title!) with Dash :)
And now Gator :) He was a good boy this weekend, didn't pick up the Grand Prix leg we need, but he was awesome other than that :)
Andy and Crackers did AWESOME on their 2nd USDAA trial ;) Crackers hit all but one dogwalk (which Andy caused) and all A-frames and teeters....lots of Q's and his first two titles!!! I am so proud of them!
Klink had a GREAT weekend! Finished her Grand Prix Q for Nationals and LOTS of other Q's on top of that! LAA-Bronze is fast approaching! OH! AND, Klink ended up 14th overall in JUMPERS of all things for USDAA Year End Awards...GO STINKY PETE!
I saw a video Crackers talking smack on Facebook-I'm guessing this was YOUR crackers.
You have a lovely family-congrats on the Q's and such!
LOL! You saw that on Facebook? Too funny...I guess I am not the only one that finds his trash talking funny! :-))))
Thanks for the congrats! Look me up on Facebook!
Crackhead! I love it. Great nickname.
Great pictures!! I'll have to come back tomorrow to watch the videos. Internet is being bad. :)
woohoo congrats on a great weekend!
love the crackers...
He goes by Crack, crackhead and my personal favorite Crack is Whack :)
Thanks everyone :) He is a fun little dude to watch!
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