Whew!!! First trial of the year, and I have GOT to get back into the swing of things! Will post video as soon as I get it worked out, probably tomorrow :)
First off, the treadmill workouts are WORKING, I am running faster and have more stamina! SWEET!
Second, trialing with your husband is something you hopefully get better at :) HA!
The dogs did LOVELY as far as I am concerned! As you will see from the results...I was to blame for MOST of the issues! :) So...the lesson to learn here IS, Zip, Klink and Gator keep their training, Loretta...not so much :)
M Gamblers: Zip Q and 1st I think
Klink Q
Gator NQ--(Dumb handler--aka ME--will from now on be know as DH)...didn't give him a directional...brilliant!
M Std: Zip Q and 1st
Klink--NQ--DH pulled her off a jump--complete with beating myself in the head immediately after---judge laughed :) Good times!
Gator--he almost spontainiously combusted on the startline and went down in a blaze of glory...I laughed, he did dumb things and we were content to just giggle our way through the course :)
M Pairs: Zip Q and 2nd (and helped a sheltie named Fingal get his final pairs leg needed to retire from USDAA--LOVE DOING THAT!!)
Gator and his favorite girlie Pirate Q'd and 1st
Klink and her favorite boy Tasty Q'd and 2nd
Zip Q and 1st :)
Gator Q--again DH decided to call him off a tunnel trap, SO HARD he not only did NOT take the tunnel trap, but he banked off the A-frame...sigh...Oh Loretta :)
Klink Q an 2nd :)
Meaghbh (called by many Megadeath)a sheltie I ran for a student of mine, Q'd :)
So MUCH better than I thought for Saturday! WOO HOO!!! The dogs were great (OK well Gator had a brain fart in Standard...I'll let him have that :)
M Std: Gator Q'd and 1st place! Redeemed himself!
Zip knocked the 1st bar :( And then we had fun :)
Klink was clingy...and pulled off a jump...who knows why...probably that thing called LACK OF PRACTICE :) Just a guess:)
M Snooker:
Gator Super Q and 2nd
Klink Super Q and 3rd
Zip Q---after DH bad handling and I had to do a LIE DOWN!!!!! and she sat RIGHT before backjumping...good girl!! ;) I love my Zippity Zoom :)
Steeplechase Round 2--this is the part were I realized what was really lacking was the mental ability to keep out the negative...that is what I was lacking due to not practicing...negative emotions etc around me...I got caught up in it--definetly affected my handling :(
Gator---good boy, DH didn't RFP a turn towards the broad jump---he missed a corner, I didn't see it---so we went forward of course...E'd
Klink---bar down...pulled her off her A-frame.
Fixed my mental issue---blocked it all out and told myself to put on my big girl panties and deal with it! :)
Megadeath the Sheltie ;) Ran clean and ended up 3rd place and moola! WOO HOO!
Zip--missed WP entry, but ended up 2nd anyway and in the moola :)
M Jumpers---
Klink-knocked 2nd bar, and then just went a bit goofy after that...worked on her later and her back was a ball of knots :( I am guessing that might have something to do with it...OUCH!
Gator Q and 1st--lovely run
Zip--I pushed her off course, but otherwise a great run :)
Now onto Crackers :) Andy and Crackers had their first USDAA trial this weekend :) Andy was nervous, I was so nervous FOR Andy I felt like throwing up! LOL
Gamblers---great opening but missed the gamble :(
Standard---great everything except Crackers misjudged the teeter for the dogwalk, causing a flyoff :(
Steeplechase---Andy let Crackers backweave after he popped out of the poles...E :(
Pairs---with his sister Partay! Q and 2nd place :) SO CUTE!!!! I did get it on video!
Standard----great run, Andy forgot to run the "running dogwalk" and trotted, Crackers went WTF and came off SUPER HIGH...but the rest of the run was great :)
Snooker--Q and 1st! WOO HOO!
Jumpers--Q and 1st!!! WOO HOO!!!
So not a bad first USDAA weekend! I can't wait to see them in February!
On thing that I DID see, is confusion with Klinker :( She is NOT happy about her A-frames...and this has transferred over to her dogwalk now...So I have some work to do in regards to her contacts...I am not sure what I am going to do, but I will keep you updated :) She gets spayed tomorrow, so won't be doing anything for at least 2-3 weeks...so hopefully enough time to just let her brain settle a bit :) She ran her heart out for me this weekend though...regardless of her dislike of things in regards to contacts...
Lynn and Even socialized and had a blast at the trial :) They did a bit of playing on the practice jump and were tired every night :) Good puppies!
LOTS of fun new dogs to see! Tons of upcoming talent! SO fun watching everyone!
All in all a great weekend :) Getting everyone Q'd up for Nationals and enjoyed seeing some friends!
"Surely you can't be serious."
4 days ago
Sounds great~
Congrats! Sounds like it was a busy, busy weekend. Can't wait to see video.
Yay!! Sounds like you had a very fun trial - and that's why we do this right?
PS My other name is Kristi :-) Since I talked to you, I don't feel right just stalking anymore
Ahh...Hi Kristi! :-) LOL
Thank everyone :) It was a fun weekend for sure :)
I had similar problems in Steeplechase Round 2. As we went into the weaves I started thinking I should not have handled that way which lead to too much thinking and then we got a pop out and it went down hill fast. There was way too much time for thinking. Are all Steeplechase runs like that? I liked Round 1 better. :)
Heather...yes in the beginning until you get used to pushing hard (which try doing at training..it is FUN!!!)...so you and the dog don't short circuit :-))
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