A few days ago the dogs and I ventured out in the below zero weather because being cooped up in the house anymore...well...lets just say 7 dogs in the house, 7 VERY ACTIVE dogs in the house...is just not a good thing...
So I put on their coats (yes they have coats! It is freakin cold here---30 below zero we are out walking thank you very much (yes I am insane...but you already knew that :)...
Crackers was not outside...he was the smart one laying on the electric blanket...UNDER the covers on MY side of the bed....little A$$H*LE...
My boy---Acer pup :) He will turn 11 January 11th...we hope to have MANY more years with him :)

Zip + her favorite toy EVER---da squirrel thingie...


YEAH WHATEVER...we are stayin' in the barn...thanks...

Lynn---looking like a crocodile :) Or so I think...

Endorsing the jolly ball...their favorite toy (and Even wasn't lame during these shots)...

Even letting everyone know it is HER ball :)

Can you tell we like dog coats from Clean Run? HA! I think the Full Tilt crew should be in a photo shoot :)

Gator...aka Tater Salad, Tater, Gator-bait, Bubba...

Ho' Lotta Border Collies!

Gator sportin' his sexy coat :)

Even---DO NOT TOUCH MY BALL KLINK...givin' her the ol' stink eye (HA! Get it..that is Klink's nickname...Stinky---HA! HA!)...ok...so it isn't that funny...
On another note...Even is still lame but she will be going to some vets and probably some other specialists depending on what the vets find. Thank you to everyone for the positive thoughts and I am hopeful she will be just fine...just don't like waiting to find that out :)
I love those coats!!! I've been looking for something like that for Jackal because he gets so cold with his little thin coat. Thanks for telling us about them. I'm checking out their website right now. :) Great photos by the way!
I think if its 30 below you are allowed a dog coat!
Wizz :-)
I am behind on my blog reading....Sorry to hear Even is having lameness. Hopefully it is nothing too bad and she will be back to her usual self soon!
How many BC's does it take to get to the bottom of an Everlasting Jolly Ball? Apparently two at my house, purple one made it through Moon, but Molly killed it before she was six months old. She's working on her second one now.
Crackers sounds like our Jacks and the Border/Jack. Under the covers about as close to you as you can get! Bed hogs!
Ours wear blankets to and it's not nearly as cold here. Even fluffy old Max wears one, but I figure warm old bones are better than cold ones:)
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