Saturday, December 12, 2009


Even is lame :-((

Not in the sense of boring, annoying, etc etc....but as physically lame :-((((

We have been working on it for a bit, but last night she came up VERY VERY lame. She is better this am, but are off to figure out what the heck is going on...

I hope it is not something that will affect her permanently...any positive thoughts would be GREATLY appreciated!


BCxFour said...

Beaming mega positive vibes your way!!!

Sarah said...

get well soon even steven, i hope all is OK, and you can figure out what is going on, sending good thoughts your way.


Dancing shepherdess said...

DAnny slipped on an icy paver, and came in with his front left lame- stayed that way all night, but in the morning, better. Good luck, hopefully she just zigged when she should have zagged!

Chris and Ricky said...

Sorry to hear this - we will think lots of positive thoughts and send them your way! Try not to worry too much - aren't puppies famous for constantly tweaking something that causes a temporary problem! Fingers crossed that that is all it is!

Debra Kay said...

Both my young dogs had a bout of limping at about 6 months old-I think they just push themselves beyond what their growing bones can do. A little slow down time and both are quite sound now.

Sending positive vibes to my favorite full tilt kiddo.

Loretta Mueller said...

You guys are so sweet :) Thanks so much. Yes I am hoping it is just a tweaked something...I have appointments set we can try to figure this out. Maybe it will go away? Who knows...for now leash walking..which she HATES...oh well!

I appreciate all the positive thoughts!

Achieve1dream said...

Have them check for tick diseases. Lameness in one leg was the only symptom my dog showed. I hope you figure it out soon. Good thoughts are being sent your way.