Monday, July 23, 2012

Stuff--And A Running Dogwalk Question :)

So is busy. Lessons, training, getting ready for USDAA guitar. 

Seminars scheduled for fall, Arizona, Iowa and North Nationals...a never ending charge until mid October!!

 Klink is recovering from a slight sprain. We are being conservative. But I want to make sure she is healthy and 100% sound. So far she is doing great, laser, x-rays to check for any arthritis (NONE! SAWEEET!) and all is good. I might be overreacting, but I would rather do that than risk anything!
She thinks this sucks...and chooses to tell me about it. OFTEN. She gets to swim, and do ball work, and go for walks, and and and. But she still thinks I am the evil queen of boredom. Sorry Stink :-/ 
Good news is...she is looking GREAT :) That's the goal.
Otherwise...everyone else is doing great! Staying in shape and having fun! :) Working fundamentals :)

Mid July we had our very first weekend of seminars here at Full was a HOT one...highs in the high 80's to 90. Which, for MN, is HOT. But the people were AWESOME! No complaints, everyone really worked their hardest and LOTS of great handling was to be seen. It was fun having people from all over MN come to the farm. I had a BLAST teaching :) Might have to do it again in the fall?
And lots of swimming...cause it's summer and that's the best way to keep dogs in shape. And it's damn fun :)
I am continuing to work on Lynn's stop and run on her dogwalk. It's going REALLY REALLY WELL...running is blazing...the stop is getting FASTER. Life is good :) 

I set this course up today to work on the differences in times for the two contact behaviors. 
It was interesting the differences, in timing required and in the actual TIME in seconds, it took for the sequence. I used both a running and a stop on the dogwalk contact. Different handling was required...

Would love to hear how you would all handle this. With a running dogwalk and a stopped dogwalk. The husband plans on running this with Crackers as well.

What if your speed was drastically slower than your dog? (this could mean, you are not as athletic, your dog is just damn fast, or you are injured?)
What if the conditions were such that you had bad traction (aka mud, rain, or whatever)?

What are your options? Sure...we would all LOVE to get a front cross at the end of the dogwalk...but what if you couldn't? 

Lots of questions...would love your answers :) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From a "much slower than my dog" type: I would call my dog in toward me after the dogwalk and do a rear on the flat to get to #10. However I might be able to get up and do a front cross once I sent my dog in the #8 tunnel.