Picked up poop in the yard!!!!.......silence.....
What!?!? Isn't that what everyone does?.....No?? Really?? Oh.....um...well then...we went hiking...
Around the yard....and picked up poop....er um...I mean at the park and took some pictures :)
Aren't the girlies cute??Do you ever have a feeling...
You try to tell someone something...
And they just won't listen?? .....Klink does...
Klinker...who by the way is doing great after her spay :) She thinks resting is just silly!
Can you SEE the loudness that is occuring in this photo??
Zip "Do you mind, I am digging...thanks."
Pretty Klinker again :)
No coat, no shirts, running naked and loving it!!!!
OK...so I like Klink...sue me :)
More loudness :) How a little dog can make more noise than all the BC's combined is amazing!
Yeah I know, Klink was running a bit, she is fine...it saved her sanity :)
Zippity :)
Warm? Sun? Sheep? Please??
Zip waiting...wishing the snow wasn't so deep still so she could work sheep...
And Klink :)
And Gator...and Klink...and and and....
GET'ER Gator!!!!
Crackers :)
Lulu again :)
Queen of the Mountain :)
Even! Who can't be out running with the pack at all yet, BUT is getting better and is doing little things now! :-)) Slowly but surely!
I swear I am solar powered, the sun was out and I just wanted to soak as much as I could up! I am so happy we were able to really enjoy this weekend outside!!!! I hope it stays like this (doubtful though! LOL).
Haha maybe I'm solar powered too. Good one.
I love the fifth picture. The one of Klink. I would so frame that picture and hang it on my wall. She's beautiful!
Yes...I am so very solar powered it is just sad :)
Thanks! I sooo love that picture too!
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