Sunday, August 16, 2009 videos!?!?

Yeah yeah videos of the dogs runs at the USDAA trial...I know I know. Just not really been into finding someone to video me...sorry :(

Dogs did well this weekend though! I felt back on track with my dogs, more like a team, more connected and it showed :)


Master Gamblers:
Klink went awol (like she can on occasion :-)) So no Q.
Gator...well..not sure--he must have talked to Klink...but we didn't Q LOL!!!!

Master Jumpers:
Klink 1st (I am finding her "elusive jumpers Q for her ADCH" was more MY "I can't handle my dog in jumpers until she gets her ADCH"...sigh....good girl! She got her JCH too :)
Gator 2nd

Master Snooker:
Gator 3rd and Super Q
Klink Q

Grand Prix:
Klink NQ--she got caught up in the chute..I looked at her to see if she would get out, she did and promptly read my body and went off course ;-)) Good girl!

Gator.....NEEDED THIS FOR NATIONALS! Not only did he Q but he WON IT! GOOD GOOD BOY!!!!!!!

Master Pairs:
Gator Q
Klink Q

Master Std:
Klink---great great run, she slipped going into the weave poles...NQ :-(((
Gator---knocked one bar...other than that great run!

Master Pairs:
Gator 1st
Klink 3rd

Master Gamblers: HARD HARD GAMBLE!
Klink: nope :-))
Gator: ALMOST!!! SOOOOO DARN CLOSE...oh well :)

Master Standard:
Gator 1st
Klink 3rd

Master Snooker:
Gator Q
Klink Q

Master Jumpers:
Klink 1st
Gator 2nd

Both dogs ran really well...Klink only knocked ONE BAR all weekend! WOO HOO!!! And she won Master Jumpers BOTH DAYS!?!?!?! WHATTA GIRL!!!

Gator was running super well also :) GREAT weekend for the Full Tilt crew!

Andy also had a good time...he ran Ace (yes the old retired man) in Ultimate Tunnelers :-))) And they took 1st place!! Ace ran really well for Andy and Andy did a great job handling him ;) Not too shabby since they have NEVER ran together and Ace hasn't done agility for at least 2 years!?!?!

Lots of fun, Lots of great handlers and Lots of good friends!

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