Friday, January 16, 2009


As I am sitting here watching this litter of puppies, I notice a very odd and what looks to be painful situation going on.

Zip is laying down feeding the babies..and my husband comes in to as he calls it "Feed the cow" and Zip jumps up to get her food.

As she is jumping up....she has 7 puppies HANGING off her nipples.....

Let me give you a minute to shudder as I did.......

..................still shuddering...........................................

Which brings me to my question...WHY would any animal do this?

I can't even imagine ANYTHING hanging off my..well ya know. The thought of what kind of pain that could bring makes me nauseous....

Granted, you are talking to a person that will faint if she sees human blood. Not kidding..if you are hurt horribly, please do NOT come to me, I will see your injury and pass out..thus not getting 911 are on your own. Find someone else. This is for your own good.

I hate human stuff....animal stuff I am fine with, spent many years doing ruminant research (ruminant for you city folk refers to multi-stomached organizms like cows, sheep etc....)so that involves lots of animal stuff....poop, stomach contents, blood, spit etc etc..if it comes out of a cow I am sure I have analyzed it!

Human secretions of ANY kind are not my thing...snot, spit, drool, eyeballs....oh my god, eyeballs freak me out...lets just say anything that relates to a human is gross...

My sister is a nurse...go figure. I can't even sit in the same room when she gets to telling about work.....gag...

I digress.....back to the boob talk. So Zip has no problems letting these little buggers HANG off her boobs? And then with a sound that I can only complare to trying to suck up vomit with a shopvac (yes I went to college) off they drop! POP! Puppy on the ground...they don't seem to care...they immediately go to sleep in a huge pile reminicent again of a college kegger. Bodies everywhere, in complete alcoholic slumber...twitching and farting And to think my parents thought I was getting an education...HA!

There are certain things on the female anatomy that are "sensitive" and damn I would for sure think that would parallel between dogs and humans!

So please Zip, just wait for detachment prior to takeoff...the food WILL still be there when you get up....I promise.



Loretta Mueller said...

ROTFLMAO!! I now have a visual of YOU walking around with your son attached! OH MY GAWD! LOL!

THE Princess Diaries said...